Player 1 |
#player1 Noah Noah
#player2 Chris_Tallman Chris Tallman
>Noah: EELNSTV -V +0 0
>Chris_Tallman: ACEEGLR -EG +0 0
#note Didn't want to open floaters for 8's after his exch 1 and instead went for a bingo of my own.
>Noah: EEILNST 8F LENITES +66 66
#note Noah: Opening hotspots to counter my probable bingoey rack after my exch 2 last turn...
>Chris_Tallman: ACELNRX 7E CAREX +47 47
#note But in true VictoryLap fashion, I draw the X on the 2 tile exchange! Thought about just RAX or REX to keep a more balanced leave, but went for points in the end.
>Noah: ANNOOTV L4 NOVA. +16 82
>Chris_Tallman: DEFLNTW K2 FLEW +32 79
#note FL(O)W for 20 keeps DENT but I don't think it's worth 12 points on this type of board at all.
>Noah: JMNOTUU F4 JOU.. +14 96
>Chris_Tallman: DGGLNTY 5E D.GGY +22 101
#note Maybe TNG > LNT and so LEDGY K7 is best? It's pretty close though and I think DOGGY is alright. Keeping the board constricted is definitely what I want vs Noah, although ofc he's good on any type of board.
>Noah: EIIMNTU 4I MI.. +13 109
>Chris_Tallman: AACELNT 4D TA. +23 124
#note Didn't see CA(F)TAN I2, which scores the most. TAJ is simming 5.5% higher than anything else though. Semi-fishing on this type of board doesnt much appeal to me, but this also doesn't give him much, so I like it.
>Noah: EIINTUY J8 .ENUITY +20 129
#note Chris: Looks like Noah has had enough of this closed board stuff hehe.
>Chris_Tallman: AACEINR 13D CARINA.E +62 186
#note Just in time for me to pounce :) I guess this is why TAJ >> CAFTAN.
>Noah: ADHIKOS 12G AIK.DO +38 167
#note Chris: Finding a way to fork and still score 38 (!)
>Chris_Tallman: AEIIQRW 11D WAIR +17 203
#note I was pretty proud of this play in-game. It shuts down lanes through the N at J10, the C at D13, and the 7's line hooking RAI while setting up my Q at F10 and fishing for a T for QAT C3. The boring FAQIR for 34 sims a bit better but I think I stand by my play.
>Noah: BHILRSS 3C LIB +18 185
#note Chris: I was convinced this was a setup and that Noah had the case G and/or some blanks...
>Chris_Tallman: AEIOQRV F10 Q. +31 234
#note I'm not playing FAQIR and opening the 3x3 line after Noah's semi-fish. When Noah and I quackled this in Buffalo quickly, I misread by V for a U, making QI a bad play, but this makes sense given my future racks.
>Noah: EHHORSS M9 HORSE +36 221
>Chris_Tallman: AEIOPRV N8 VOE +17 251
#note Spent a long time on this move. I saw VAPOR and VIPER for 29, but figured they'd give killer snapbacks on the triple. I eventually picked VOE because it leaves decently (PAIR) and blocks the bingo lane while not opening anything for Noah. With 2 blanks still available though, maybe I should have gone for turnover with PAVIOR N5. It doesn't give as strong parallels, scores 24, and draws 6 for the blanks - simming best by 5% and 8% over VOE. Tough decision here I think though.
>Noah: ADHLNRS 2A DHAL +21 242
>Chris_Tallman: ?ABIPRT 1D BIPARTy +98 349
>Chris_Tallman: ?ABIPRT -- -98 251
#note Chris: My eyes lit up here and I thought I had the win in the bag and I'd be 9-2 after this...
>Noah: DNOORSU 1A OUDS +41 283
#note Noah: Pretty terrible mistake by me now!
Chris: I felt pretty dumb right about now. ATRIP gave me 87% win according to Q lol.
>Chris_Tallman: ?ABIPRT 14I B. +16 267
>Noah: FMNORUZ 2H MUF. +20 303
>Chris_Tallman: ?AIPRT 1G PA +24 291
#note Flustered, I make the wrong choice here. Interestingly, it might be correct to pass up bingoes even if I draw them (especially if I drew the other S/blank) since the KABS spot will be hard to block next turn without one of those tiles and I pretty much knew what he was trying to do with MUFF. IMP, APO, PIA, and ORA (keeping the P for higher scoring bingos?) all are better than PA, but either way, if I beat Noah to the 15 line, I have a good chance to win still. 34-36% to win after this.
>Noah: ?ENORTZ 15D ZONERs +81 384
#note GG
>Chris_Tallman: ?IOPRST O10 SPORTy +27 318
#note Should have done TOP 14C and at least tried here. I think I was under a minute here though and was spent.
>Noah: EEEGNTT 6L .ENT +9 393
>Chris_Tallman: II F13 .I. +5 323
#note IN N5 is best.
>Noah: EEGT M5 T.G +17 410
>Chris_Tallman: I J1 I. +5 328
#note Chris: : Final score 408-332. Very interesting game in which I had a bunch of chances to either get big advantages by making good plays (or just not paying phony 4's lol) or by getting lucky at the right times. I also wish I didn't give up like that at the end. Despite that, this one was a lot of fun! :)
>Chris_Tallman: (EE) +4 332