Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Jackson_Smylie Jackson Smylie
#player2 Charles_Reinke Charles Reinke
>Jackson_Smylie: APX H7 PAX +24 24
>Charles_Reinke: ACEILSU 7G S.ICULAE +65 65
>Jackson_Smylie: AABLQ M2 QABAL. +34 58
>Charles_Reinke: ?ADMRTY L3 YAM +33 98
>Jackson_Smylie: ENR G9 ERN +14 72
>Charles_Reinke: ?DDJRST -DDJ +0 98
#note If I'm going to keep three consonants on my exchange, I might as well do K6 J(U)T and keep four instead.
>Jackson_Smylie: MY N3 MY +23 95
>Charles_Reinke: ?IKRSTT 12G SKITTeR +84 182
#note 11D TRI(N)KeTS. Saw KNITTERS and the anagram didn't even occur to me.
>Jackson_Smylie: IR N1 RI.. +40 135
>Charles_Reinke: EGINOOS 6A ISOGONE +64 246
>Jackson_Smylie: TV 9F V..T +15 150
>Charles_Reinke: AFIIOUU H12 .UFI +33 279
>Jackson_Smylie: ?CELNRS A4 CL.NkERS +86 236
>Charles_Reinke: ADHIOTU M9 HOU.I +24 303
>Jackson_Smylie: DENRV E2 VEND.R +20 256
>Charles_Reinke: ADEJTTW 3B JAW.D +32 335
>Jackson_Smylie: DOO 4A .ODO. +38 294
>Charles_Reinke: EEGIRTT 14F GI.T +12 347
#note I11 G(I)TE. There are no scoring plays available so I might as well aim for leave above all else.
>Jackson_Smylie: EE 14F ....EE +12 306
>Charles_Reinke: AAEEORT K9 AOR.A. +12 359
#note My lead isn't as solid as I'd like. GIFT(EE) seemed like an attempt to set up something on row 15, although it's hard to imagine what. I blocked it anyway. There are no S's or blanks left, so bingos on column C or D aren't my main concern.
>Jackson_Smylie: EH J10 HE. +29 335
>Charles_Reinke: EEIOPTW 7A .OW +21 380
#note I can block those bingo lanes while also sort of scoring! Yes!
>Jackson_Smylie: DI N9 ID +19 354
>Charles_Reinke: EEFIOPT O8 OPE +27 407
>Jackson_Smylie: ENT 2E .ENT +14 368
>Charles_Reinke: AEFGITU 1F FEU +33 440
>Jackson_Smylie: BELNZ G4 ZE.. +13 381
>Charles_Reinke: AGIT H4 AT +17 457
#note 11A (S)TAIG looked right but then I doubted myself.
>Jackson_Smylie: BLN 4K B... +11 392
>Charles_Reinke: GI 4G ..G +13 470
#note Didn't see either of Jackson's outs. It's bad practice to lose focus at the end of sure wins.
>Jackson_Smylie: LN 13K .N.L +5 397
>Jackson_Smylie: (I) +2 399
Player 2
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