Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Sam Sam
#player2 Larry_Sherman Larry Sherman
>Sam: CEILOOQ 8G QI +22 22
>Larry_Sherman: GMO 7H MOG +11 11
>Sam: ACELOOU J2 COOLA.E +18 40
#note Larry didn't hold on this phony. Neither of us doubted it until Adam Logan pointed out its phoniness after the game. GUACO is best--I saw it, but then doubted my word knowledge, thinking it was only Rosin-slang for guacamole. It's also a real word.
>Larry_Sherman: AX K5 AX +31 42
>Sam: CRSTTUW 4H CR.WS +39 79
#note I wrote down the plays, scores, and leaves of WURST, CROWS, TROWS, and WORT as possibilities. Quackle likes WORT best--I guess CSTU is more than 15 points better than TTU. WORT also has the advantage of an S-hook, while CROWS has the disadvantage of opening the TWS...
>Larry_Sherman: ANOR H1 NAR.O +21 63
#note ...which Larry immediately took advantage of.
>Sam: HORTTTU K8 TRUTH +18 97
>Larry_Sherman: ADEEILT 3A DETAILE. +70 133
>Sam: ?EFINOT 2A OF +23 120
#note Aarrghh!!! The only bingoes I saw were FETATION in the two spots (though it made me feel better that Joel didn't see anything better either). FENThION (which I didn't know) to the triple is best, and I would not have passed up cONFETTI or FIsTNOTE for 70 each. In terms of OF vs. FETaTION, I strongly preferred OF, while Joel strongly preferred playing the bingo. Any other opinions?
>Larry_Sherman: ?FIRSSU 13I FUSSIeR +85 218
>Sam: ?DEIKNT O8 TINKE.eD +167 287
>Larry_Sherman: EOVY 2J .OVEY +26 244
>Sam: AEGGLOY A1 G..LY +33 320
#note I saw YAG at 1M, which is better than GODLY, but the play that is better than both of those two is YAG 4B, which scores 31 and blocks the TWS.
>Larry_Sherman: ELV 3M LEV +21 265
>Sam: ABBEGIO 1M BAG +29 349
#note YABBIE is best--a word I didn't know, along with its relative YABBY. GIBE 9F isn't bad either.
>Larry_Sherman: PZ D2 Z.P +28 293
>Sam: BEEIIOU L11 OE. +18 367
#note This play is absolute trash. I can't even believe I made it. LOUIE or Ex. BEIIOU, both of which I considered, are both considerably better. LOUIE is probably best--I was worried about the openness of it, but if that's the case, I should just exchange anyway. OES was simply horrid, despite the points.
>Larry_Sherman: AEEIRTT 15H ITERATE. +80 373
#note My just deserts.
>Sam: BEIINOU G8 .UOIN +15 382
#note Who knows what I would have drawn had I played the proper LOUIE or exchanged.
>Larry_Sherman: DJN 11E DJ.N +24 397
>Sam: ABEIIPS N6 PIA +13 395
#note I considered this play and ALIBI as the top two choices, as Quackle confirms. I wrestled with the two for a bit, and I'm still not sure which is better. Probably ALIBI, as that's what Quackle prefers by a couple points.
>Larry_Sherman: ADEEHNR E8 HAR.ENED +63 460
>Sam: BEIMNSU 15A IMBE.S +36 431
>Larry_Sherman: AIW 10B WAI. +15 475
>Larry_Sherman: (NU) +4 479
Player 2
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