Player 1 |
#player1 Kevin_Bowerman Kevin Bowerman
#player2 Rahn_McKeown Rahn McKeown
>Kevin_Bowerman: ?HISTUU -UU +0 0
#note Preferred this to UH. Sim does not. Nabbed Rahns racks and commentary. All commentary is my own, unless otherwise noted.
>Rahn_McKeown: CILLRSW 8G WILL +14 14
>Kevin_Bowerman: ?AHISTZ K3 HAZIeST +94 94
>Rahn_McKeown: BCORRST 4J C.RB +16 30
>Kevin_Bowerman: EEEEFNQ 6J Q. +31 125
#note Amazing leave.
>Rahn_McKeown: IOORSTX 7G OX +25 55
>Kevin_Bowerman: EEEEFGN 9D GENE +13 138
#note Yeah, I knew this was a terrible play as soon as I played it. Not sure what possessed me to make me not play any of FEE(B), (B)EEF or (Z)EE
>Rahn_McKeown: IIORSTT N2 RIOT +17 72
>Kevin_Bowerman: EEFGLOS F4 GOLF +23 161
#note I have never seen SOLFEGE in my life. I also whiffed the G(RIOT) hook this turn. This is really weak.
>Rahn_McKeown: AIMSTUY O5 AMITY +32 104
#note Rahn: carboy...duh.
>Kevin_Bowerman: ADEEGNS 1L EDGE +27 188
#note Finally see the hook.
>Rahn_McKeown: AEKNSUW C6 UNWAKES +73 177
#note I held this for a really long time, but I really thought that UNWAKED* was good. If I hadn't blown the game earlier, this was when I blew it.
>Kevin_Bowerman: AEFINOS 4D FO.IE +20 208
#note (G)ANOF. This is a really pitiful performance this game.
>Rahn_McKeown: AABDITV 8A VA. +27 204
>Kevin_Bowerman: AACJNST H1 JAN. +33 241
#note Finally, a play that is actually correct. However, I did not even see S(O)JA, but this just squeaks it out in a sim.
>Rahn_McKeown: ABDIITU D9 .ADI +25 229
>Kevin_Bowerman: ACEIPST E1 CAP.TE +26 267
#note I missed a lot of bingos here. This is really terrible. I did not know ASEPTIC, but CAPTI(V)ES is completely findable.
>Rahn_McKeown: ?BIMOTU B4 BUM +23 252
#note I think Rahn got these next three plays in the wrong order on his version of the game.
>Kevin_Bowerman: EIORRSV B10 OR +17 284
#note I still have great winning chances, even though I have been playing terribly. This sims best.
>Rahn_McKeown: ?EHILOT 1A HELI. +33 285
#note EOLITHs is available. This is not a word, who knew?
>Kevin_Bowerman: DEIRSUV J8 .UV +16 300
>Rahn_McKeown: ?ANOORT N9 ORATiON +71 356
>Kevin_Bowerman: DEIRRSU 13D DURRIES +68 368
#note He held this for a long time, until he was sure that he had a win. He said that he knew that there was a bingo in DEIRRSU but wasn't sure if it was this or SURRIED
>Rahn_McKeown: ADEIOSY 12H ADIOS +22 378
#note AYI(N)S is 1 point better Rahn! How do you like those apples! Mwahaha
>Kevin_Bowerman: EENNPT 15I PENNE.T +30 398
>Kevin_Bowerman: EENNPT -- -30 368
#note I could only win if this was somehow a word, so I played it. I did not deserve to win this game, plain and simple. Easily one of my worst played games of the tournament, and it mattered so much :(
>Rahn_McKeown: EY E9 .YE +33 411
>Rahn_McKeown: (EENNPT) +16 427