Player 1 |
#player1 Mike_Stafford Mike Stafford
#player2 Kevin_Bowerman Kevin Bowerman
>Mike_Stafford: EEGKR 8H GREEK +30 30
>Kevin_Bowerman: ?EHOOPS J6 HO. +14 14
#note Missed several bingos, including HOOPStE(R), which I chickened out on. I should at least find wHOOPE(R)S. Get ready, as this is easily my worst played game of the tournament so far.
>Mike_Stafford: IMV K4 VIM +23 53
>Kevin_Bowerman: ?EEIOPS H5 EPI.OnES +61 75
>Mike_Stafford: AEFFISY L8 .EFFIYAS +94 147
#note Huge error by not challenging here. This is only the beginning of how badly I played this game.
>Kevin_Bowerman: IIORSTZ 15H ZORI. +42 117
>Mike_Stafford: LNOO 12D LOON. +10 157
>Kevin_Bowerman: CEISTUW 11C TEW +24 141
#note This scores 5 more at M12, but this sets up the S hook.
>Mike_Stafford: DDI 10B DID +15 172
>Kevin_Bowerman: ACGIOSU 13B AGIO +21 162
>Mike_Stafford: ELLQRU 5C QUELL.R +32 204
>Kevin_Bowerman: CINSTTU - +0 162
#note Challenged
>Mike_Stafford: OX G5 .OX +39 243
#note He has been spending a long time on each play, so he is fairly low on time
>Kevin_Bowerman: CINSTTU 6B TINT +21 183
>Mike_Stafford: AA 7A AA +4 247
>Kevin_Bowerman: CDNSTUV 8A SCUD +38 221
>Kevin_Bowerman: CDNSTUV -- -38 183
#note This actually happened. I somehow only saw DUNT and not DUCT
>Mike_Stafford: CEP 9A CEP +21 268
>Kevin_Bowerman: CDNSTUV 14K T.V +8 191
#note He's been taking a lot of time and getting really defensive (as he should be), so I play this fairly quickly to set up my S, and to hope he spends a lot of time here. Not a very good strategy, but he is down to about 6:00 minutes or so.
>Mike_Stafford: NTY 12K T.NY +7 275
>Kevin_Bowerman: ACDDNSU D3 AD..C +16 207
#note Need to open more.
>Mike_Stafford: BR 3B BR. +10 285
>Kevin_Bowerman: ?ADJNSU N10 JA. +29 236
#note I really really needed this blank here. Debated between JU(n) and JA(Y) for a while.
>Mike_Stafford: G 11N .G +3 288
>Kevin_Bowerman: ?DNRRSU A7 .R. +15 251
#note Wanted to score and not play off too many tiles. He is getting very low on time here.
>Mike_Stafford: M 6J ..M +10 298
>Kevin_Bowerman: ?DENRSU 4K .END +16 267
#note Should be UND(O)ER
>Mike_Stafford: EISTU O4 SUITE +28 326
#note I think he was overtime at this point.
>Kevin_Bowerman: ?BNNRSU N6 BUN +25 292
>Mike_Stafford: AEW G9 WEA. +23 349
>Kevin_Bowerman: ?AAHNRS 14A RHoS +30 322
#note Best play. He is about 2:30 overtime right now.
>Mike_Stafford: EILOU 11K I. +14 363
>Kevin_Bowerman: AAN F2 ANA. +6 328
#note Not absolutely 3000% on the words in AANN, so I play this. With his -30 points from overtime, I actually won this game. Hopefully I don't play like this, or need to rely on time penalties to win games ever again.
>Kevin_Bowerman: (ELOU) +8 336