Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Rahn_McKeown Rahn McKeown
#player2 Kevin_Bowerman Kevin Bowerman
>Rahn_McKeown: AGISTTY 8G YAG +14 14
#note Rahn had already posted his version of the game so I pilfered his racks and commentary. Hope he doesn't mind! All commentary unless otherwise marked is my own.
>Kevin_Bowerman: ELLRRRT -LLRR +0 0
#note Sims best.
>Rahn_McKeown: HIOSTTT I6 TI.HT +14 28
>Kevin_Bowerman: ABEMRTV 7C BREAM +25 25
#note Didn't even think of bingoing through the I. Huge mistake missing AMB(I)VERT/VERBAT(I)M here. Besides that, this still isn't that great of a play. I really need to stop making these sorts of mistakes, especially early in the game.
>Rahn_McKeown: ELOORST 11C RETOOLS +74 102
>Kevin_Bowerman: EELNPTV H11 .EVEL +27 52
>Rahn_McKeown: ?ADEILN 15H .ANDLIkE +77 179
>Rahn_McKeown: ?ADEILN -- -77 102
#note Rahn: Kudos for the challenge here... brain fart. KB: He spent a long time here, said he was looking for 2x2s through the R and the D. ENg(R)AIL(E)D is available, but hard to see. I held for a long time here before challenging, as (L)ANDLInE is available by redesignating the blank. He thought that LANDLINE might have been collins only.
>Kevin_Bowerman: ENNOPTW 10D NEWT +34 86
#note I can't do much about him bingoing here, and quackle loves this, because it blocks ENg(R)AIL(E)D. Of course I didn't see that over the board either.
>Rahn_McKeown: ?ADEILN 14G h.ADLINE +74 176
>Kevin_Bowerman: AANNOPY 13L PONY +28 114
#note Wanted to do 6D ANY here, but was paranoid of row 15 for some reason. 2 ply puts PAY, ANY and this as close options at the top.
>Rahn_McKeown: AEIRRWX 8A WRIER +36 212
#note Scored as 37
>Kevin_Bowerman: AAACCNV E4 CAV.. +20 134
#note Wow, I spent forever looking for a play to the Y, but missed VACANC(Y)!! That would have been a HUGE improvement. Probably my largest non-bingo/challenge mistake of the tourney. I was mad so far, as I was down by almost 100 early on, and didn't know I had made a huge mistake already by missing AMB(I)VERT, and I guess that affected me.
>Rahn_McKeown: AFIIORX N11 FI.. +7 219
#note Rahn: Finally, an all-star play :) Noah, in case you see this:
+15pts +2.5% win vs. OX +21pts +3.6% win vs. AX KB: Told me his rack after the game. Very, very nice play, that could have been prevented by VACANC(Y).
>Kevin_Bowerman: AACNNSU O7 SUNNA +20 154
#note Didn't know CANNA. This sims second to that. Sim also likes SNA(F)U. I am in a really bad position now, not that it couldn't have been prevented.
>Rahn_McKeown: AIORX 15K IXORA +93 312
#note That's why fine was such a good play. Scored as 92.
>Kevin_Bowerman: ACEFIJS B8 .AJ +26 180
>Rahn_McKeown: EGHILMN H1 MINGLE +35 347
#note Rahn: WHELMING natural blocked...
>Kevin_Bowerman: ?ACEFIS 3F FI.AnCES +78 258
#note Overscored by 10, I knew 88 sounded wrong. Sorry Rahn. Noticed it after we turned in our results slip. Didn't even realize that FA(N)CIESt scored more than this.
>Rahn_McKeown: BDGHOOT 4L DOTH +32 379
>Kevin_Bowerman: EOOSTUZ 2C OUZO +22 280
#note Definitely OUZO(S). Didn't even see that spot.
>Rahn_McKeown: BEGKORU 1A KOB +31 410
>Kevin_Bowerman: ADEEPST 15A PEDESTA. +87 367
#note Lucky to be able to cut some spread here.
>Rahn_McKeown: EGIIQRU N6 QI +33 443
#note Correct
>Kevin_Bowerman: DU C13 DU. +10 377
#note Also correct. This could have been prevented by a lot of things, especially finding AMB(I)VERT/VERBAT(I)M and VACANC(Y). Not my best effort at all, Rahn hands down deserved this win.
>Kevin_Bowerman: (EGIRU) +12 389
Player 2
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