Player 1 |
#player1 Kevin_Bowerman Kevin Bowerman
#player2 Chuck_Abbate Chuck Abbate
>Kevin_Bowerman: DEEOOTT 8G TOOTED +18 18
>Chuck_Abbate: FFI 9G IFF +31 31
>Kevin_Bowerman: EGHMNTU 10I THUG +22 40
#note Scores 4 more at F9
>Chuck_Abbate: OX L10 .OX +22 53
>Kevin_Bowerman: ABDEEMN L1 BEDAMNE. +84 124
>Chuck_Abbate: GIR 1L .RIG +21 74
>Kevin_Bowerman: ADELOUU 5I DOU.A +16 140
>Chuck_Abbate: AK 2J KA. +17 91
>Kevin_Bowerman: EEILOOU 6E LOUIE +10 150
>Chuck_Abbate: ACGR 5C CRAG +21 112
>Kevin_Bowerman: CEIORSW 10A COWRIES +69 219
>Chuck_Abbate: AAETV A10 .AVEAT +45 157
>Kevin_Bowerman: DEOORWZ E9 W.Z +30 249
#note What to do here? This seems fine.
>Chuck_Abbate: HN 11K H.N +22 179
>Kevin_Bowerman: DEOOPRS 15A .ORPEDOS +92 341
#note Did not know SPOORED. Held and released.
>Chuck_Abbate: AEV C10 .AVE +20 199
>Kevin_Bowerman: ABLNRSY 3H BRAN.Y +34 375
#note Ok, so BALDY is in fact acceptable. Wanted more turnover for the blanks, so I chose this over BANDY
>Chuck_Abbate: EN H1 NE. +15 214
>Kevin_Bowerman: AEILPST 14E PILATES +76 451
>Kevin_Bowerman: AEILPST -- -76 375
#note Absolutely terrible, I need to study. This word even came up yesterday in the after hours room, and I never bothered to check it's validity, or the rack.
>Chuck_Abbate: IQ H13 QI. +12 226
#note He assumed that I wouldn't know the 7's in the rack after that play, so he blocked the only 8 (Which I did see)
>Kevin_Bowerman: AEILPST N10 PETAL +33 408
#note Still missing bingos of course.
>Chuck_Abbate: EJST 15L JEST +65 291
#note I pay yet again for missing bingos.
>Kevin_Bowerman: ?IILSUY O7 YULeS +32 440
#note Champ wants me to play (A)Y for 20 to fish for some stuff. I'd rather be safe.
>Chuck_Abbate: ?EIIMNN C2 MIN.INg +22 313
#note fEMININ(E)! Tough find.
>Kevin_Bowerman: IILR I12 LI +15 455
>Chuck_Abbate: E M3 .E. +8 321
>Chuck_Abbate: (IR) +4 325