Player 1 |
#player1 Kolton_Koehler Kolton Koehler
#player2 Jim_Burlant Jim Burlant
>Kolton_Koehler: DLQRSTU -DLR +0 0
#note Actual rack. Any number of ways Kolton could go with this. He chose to build a rack, and watch what happens:
>Jim_Burlant: ?DILPRU 8G PUL +10 10
#note An annoying rack - it certainly looks like it should have a 7 but it doesn't. If you look at a sim result this position comes down to which 10 or 12-point play you're comfortable with. Given that I had the blank, I wanted to maximize my chances of bingoing since nothing scored, and I felt that meant keeping the D. Perhaps I should have played more defensively. Regardless, he was going to bingo no matter what I put down here since my top 10 best options are all short plays that wouldn't have stopped his bingo. FWIW, Q says I should keep the L and unload the D with PUD, presumably because of all the easy back hooks this gives back.
>Kolton_Koehler: ACIQSTU J8 ACQUITS +96 96
#note Ouch!
>Jim_Burlant: ?DEIINR H8 .REDINIa +77 87
#note UNTIDIER in the same location scores 80; I couldn't think of it. 36% to win' UNTIDIER wins 38% and sims 3 points better.
>Kolton_Koehler: GHNR 12G H.R.NG +20 116
#note Nice rack dump! He's obviously drowning in consonants and this clears his clunk effectively.
>Jim_Burlant: DEFHNST -DFH +0 87
#note Couldn't think of SHEND and didn't think the other plays like DIFS/FIDS 14G were worth playing through for next to nothing. This is totally unnecessary but even best play only wins 41% here and this wins 36.
>Kolton_Koehler: BCU 10E CUB. +10 126
>Jim_Burlant: ENRSTWX 15G W.X +12 99
#note My options were to leave myself without vowels and score 26, or get rid of WX and have a good shot at a bingo on the next turn if I drew a vowel. The sim says G12 HEX is marginally better, but that this is also a very good choice. 38% to win.
>Kolton_Koehler: AAORST E5 OSTRA.A +36 162
#note Nice play!
>Jim_Burlant: DENRSTV D2 VEND +19 118
#note It's this word to open the board here or at F2. Either play is as good as the other.
>Kolton_Koehler: EO I7 O.E +11 173
#note Uh oh...
>Jim_Burlant: EIORSTY C3 YO +22 140
#note I saw TYROSINE/SEROTINY, SOBRIETY, and ISOMETRY but they don't play. Unfortunately, the only bingo that plays is one I never recognized: SEROSITY would have scored 69 on row 6. Any chance I had at the win just went up in smoke. SEROSITY wins 47%; this is the best non-bingo, and it wins 34.
>Kolton_Koehler: A 11G A. +11 184
#note More uh oh...
>Jim_Burlant: EEIJRST B2 JET +29 169
#note Unaware that I had missed SEROSITY, when I saw the J ruin my EIRST leave, it confirmed my hunch that this probably wasn't going to be my game. Anyway - in this position this is best. Back up to 42%, but not for long.
>Kolton_Koehler: ADEEIRS L8 DISA.REE +63 247
#note Small consolation: if I hit SEROSITY, he still would have had DEARIES C3.
>Jim_Burlant: AEGIORS 2D .IRAGOES +66 235
#note At least I still found this and I'm not dead yet - still in the game, but I'm going to need a break.
>Kolton_Koehler: AMW 1G MAW +42 289
>Jim_Burlant: EEHIKOR 8A HIKE. +39 274
#note Still hanging in there despite myself...
>Kolton_Koehler: DEFILTT M3 FLITTED +86 375
#note Oh well.
>Jim_Burlant: EELOORT 13J .O.E +10 284
#note Well, that was a break...but not the kind I was looking for. :-/ These letters score more at 3H but I wanted to make sure I didn't obstruct row 4.
>Kolton_Koehler: BIMOZ D11 ZOMBI +49 424
>Jim_Burlant: EFLORTU 5H FLUOR.TE +72 356
#note At least I get to save face.
>Kolton_Koehler: AAEG 4K GA.EA +26 450
>Jim_Burlant: LNNNPVY 15K P.NNY +30 386
#note Congrats to Kolton on a very well played game.
>Kolton_Koehler: ?IO E13 IOn +11 461
>Kolton_Koehler: (LNV) +12 473