Player 1 |
#player1 Trevor_Sealy Trevor Sealy
#player2 Sam_Masling Sam Masling
>Trevor_Sealy: CGIOR 8D CORGI +22 22
>Sam_Masling: EILMPRR D8 .RIMP +22 22
#note IMPL(O)RER for 98 is kinda nice, but I passed it up because you know... strategy. Otherwise this is best.
>Trevor_Sealy: AADELTU 7H ADULATE +63 85
>Sam_Masling: ADELORT O1 LEOTARD +87 109
#note I wasn't sure if ADULATE took a D, but I thought it was worth the risk, and when he challenged I got really scared.
>Trevor_Sealy: OOOOOUU - +0 85
#note *Challenged*
>Sam_Masling: EIMOTYZ 11B ZY.E +36 145
#note Lots of super nice plays, but I didn't know crimpy. N2 OYEZ is flat out sweet but I didn't see it. ZY(M)E isn;t too bad but the things I didn't are way better.
>Trevor_Sealy: AET B11 .ETA +26 111
>Sam_Masling: BIMNOOT A14 BO +16 161
#note So I missed MINT and BINT and how am I 1440? This is harder to find out than the answer to that tootsie pop commercial.
>Trevor_Sealy: AEEIRST N7 .ATERIES +70 181
>Sam_Masling: EEIMOOT M12 OMIT +24 185
#note Nothing stands out, I'm fine with this play. O13 MOO keeps a consonant and doesn't put a T at m15, but otherwise this looks reasonable.
>Trevor_Sealy: AENQ J6 Q.EAN +36 217
>Sam_Masling: EEJNOWY L4 JOW.N +32 217
#note haha whoops, anyways, N2 WYE is best. It scores the most and keeps fine, the J can score in a couple places on the board puts me closer to bingoing in two turns.
>Trevor_Sealy: ANOV K9 NOVA +18 235
>Sam_Masling: DEEOSUY M3 YOD +26 243
#note Not knowing crimpy hurts again. This is eh.
>Trevor_Sealy: CEOV F4 COVE. +18 253
>Sam_Masling: ?EEGSSU 13E GUEsSES +67 310
#note Best bingo, (leotard)s keeping EEGUS? is interesting but I like taking the bingo.
>Trevor_Sealy: ADIR 4B DARI. +16 269
>Sam_Masling: EHIPRUW H11 WI.ER +24 334
>Trevor_Sealy: BF 5E F.B +26 295
>Sam_Masling: ?HHLPSU C3 H.H +18 352
#note I have the case S and last blank so only I can take (S)HAH. Quackle agrees and this sims at the top. This is the best play defensively and offensively for the next turns according to the sim. (COVER)UPS is sick.
>Trevor_Sealy: EX B4 .EX +32 327
>Sam_Masling: ?AILPSU A5 PAIL +35 387
#note Couple of bingos I didn't know: PAILSfU(L), PASqUIL, SPIrULA, SPInULA, SPIcULA... I still haven't seen the posibility of playing coverup so this takes his scoring spot and keeps the S and the Blank.
>Trevor_Sealy: FN J12 F.N +13 340
>Sam_Masling: ?IKLSTU H1 KILTS +39 426
#note KISTfUL is a new word to me. Also I decide to keep the blank and sacrifice 9 points for absolutely no reason. Lot's of better plays.
>Trevor_Sealy: GINNU 1E GUN. +9 349
>Sam_Masling: ?U O1 .......s +27 453
#note I decide to take the points, but F10 Us is better but otherwise this is good.
>Trevor_Sealy: IN C13 IN +13 362
>Trevor_Sealy: (U) +2 364
#note Overall this game I basically only won because I drew well. I made a couple of smart plays but missed a lot more than I found. I need to really work on seeing all parts of the board, this probably comes from the fact that I play very quickly. I am generally an impatient person so I need to work on calming myself down and finding MINT and BINT and not play BO in two seconds. Thinking for an extra 30 seconds probably would have helped me on a lot of turns this nationals.