Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Matt_Canik Matt Canik
#player2 goobriel_goobiebear-shalom goobriel goobiebear-shalom
>Matt_Canik: ABEHIOT H8 OBEAH +28 28
>goobriel_goobiebear-shalom: ?INNOPU 10F Pr.UNION +67 67
#note I'm so freaking bad that I challenged this
>Matt_Canik: AAILORT - +0 28
#note Especially when I have a bingo available
>goobriel_goobiebear-shalom: GORV K9 V.GOR +18 85
>Matt_Canik: AAILORT M5 RATIO.AL +60 88
>goobriel_goobiebear-shalom: BTT 8L B.TT +27 112
>Matt_Canik: ?AEEIMY N6 MA.Y +32 120
>Matt_Canik: ?AEEIMY -- -32 88
#note I am going to miss RATIONALE every turn for the rest of the game. Instead, I am going to play a phoney 4. Oh boy this is not going to be fun to quackle at all.
>goobriel_goobiebear-shalom: EILSX N2 SILEX +83 195
>Matt_Canik: ?AEEIMY L4 YAM +31 119
>goobriel_goobiebear-shalom: HNO K3 NOH +31 226
>Matt_Canik: ?EEEITW O8 .WEETIEr +83 202
#note I have sWEETIE but I need more points. Gabe said a lot of the reason he let this go is because "you wouldn't possibly lose ANOTHER turn this game, would you?"
>goobriel_goobiebear-shalom: CFOR J5 CORF +21 247
>Matt_Canik: AADDILP O3 DAD +24 226
>goobriel_goobiebear-shalom: IQ J2 QI +33 280
>Matt_Canik: AEILPRT 15H PALTRIE. +80 306
>goobriel_goobiebear-shalom: ANSW 13I WA.NS +42 322
>Matt_Canik: CDEERUV M1 DEV +30 336
>goobriel_goobiebear-shalom: MY I9 Y.M +27 349
>Matt_Canik: CEGNRSU 14F GNU +12 348
#note man this is about the worst type of rack to have right now. I can't score, I have to fish, and gabe just blocks the line and wins the game.
>goobriel_goobiebear-shalom: ADST G8 DA.TS +28 377
>Matt_Canik: CEIORSU 12D CRU.. +20 368
#note CUISH is a word I didn't know
>goobriel_goobiebear-shalom: Z 3I Z.. +22 399
>Matt_Canik: EEEIJOS I6 JO +22 390
>goobriel_goobiebear-shalom: AGILOR 4D GLORIA +27 426
>Matt_Canik: EEEEINS D4 .ENIE +7 397
>goobriel_goobiebear-shalom: EFIKU 6C K.IFE +20 446
>Matt_Canik: EES D12 .EES +7 404
#note I've dropped 3 games in a row and (spoiler alert) I'm about to drop my 4th. Each of the last three are directly attributable to word knowledge errors, and the first one I blundered early because I was unsure of hooks. Not knowing words is really frustrating.
>Matt_Canik: (U) +2 406
Player 2
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