Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Nigel_Richards Nigel Richards
#player2 Matt_Canik Matt Canik
>Nigel_Richards: AIPTT H4 PITTA +20 20
#note I don't know the hooks to PITTA and I'm certain Nigel does. Damn.
>Matt_Canik: DILNSSZ I3 ZIN +28 28
#note I felt that ZI(T) would make this game more dependent on hooking PITTA than ZIN would.
>Nigel_Richards: EIILO 6D IOLI.E +21 41
>Matt_Canik: DELOSSU J6 SOUL +15 43
#note Okay now I've more or less done away with the importance of PITTA's hooks
>Nigel_Richards: DEFO 5B FEOD +24 65
>Matt_Canik: ADEEOST 9F DESO.ATE +70 113
#note Please don't hold please don't hold please don't hold
>Nigel_Richards: AENORSU 2I ARENOUS +82 147
#note Sweet it's a word!
>Matt_Canik: EEFGHRU B2 GRU.F +40 153
>Nigel_Richards: AAMNOPR 8A PANORAM. +96 243
#note Sick
>Matt_Canik: AEEHKTV L1 K.AVE +34 187
>Nigel_Richards: DEEGNST N1 N.TSEDGE +64 307
#note Nigel don't bingo 3 times in a row
>Matt_Canik: AEHMTUX O8 HAUTE +42 229
#note I'm Nigeled Nigel! This set up XI if I pull one of the 5 remaining Is. Looks like I'm going to need a big play and a bingo to get back in this game. Q completely hates this and just wants me to play XU though :(
>Nigel_Richards: AQ 4A Q.A +24 331
>Matt_Canik: CIMRRXY N10 XI +52 281
>Nigel_Richards: EHW 9B HEW +23 354
>Matt_Canik: CMRRTVY K8 M.RVY +30 311
>Nigel_Richards: ??ABCIL 12E BIACet.L +82 436
>Matt_Canik: CGINRTY 13B CRYING +39 350
>Nigel_Richards: DEEILNR 10D LID +23 459
#note How surprising that Nigel plays the optimal endgame
>Matt_Canik: BIJOOTW I11 J.W +16 366
>Nigel_Richards: EENR 2B .ENRE +8 467
>Nigel_Richards: (BIOOT) +14 481
Player 2
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