Game Details
Player 1
#player1 dacrON dacrON
#player2 Chris_Tallman Chris Tallman
>dacrON: ?BIORUV 8D BOUVIeR +78 78
>Chris_Tallman: ABEFHHU 7I HABU +23 23
#note My last opponent opened with FEH. This time, it's a 4 tile play keeping FEH. I like the offensiveness of this play.
>dacrON: DDEEINR D6 RE.IDDEN +74 152
>Chris_Tallman: EFGHLOS 8L HOLE +42 65
#note I would play HOGS here leave EFL for 3 more - since the main S hook is being taken out, the EFL combo is more friendly, and HOGS also throws an S out in space that I'll have to deal with at some point.
>dacrON: AAEGJMW C5 JAW +28 180
#note Wanted to set up the J in this spot, but it's just not worth it.
>Chris_Tallman: FGIMOST B6 MOTIF +41 106
#note FOG in the same spot is pretty irresitable for that nice IMST leave, but I won't really argue against this choice - down a lot, the extra 6 points don't hurt, considering he's got some power in reserve.
>dacrON: AEGIMNO 13B NO.IMAGE +76 256
>Chris_Tallman: GLRRSVZ -IIII +0 106
#note Nearly an unfortunate draw, but there's one star play here worth putting down!
>dacrON: CDDEERT H11 ED.ED +30 286
#note E4 CRED(O) is simming ahead of this play. I didn't notice CRED(O) over the board, but I don't really like it. Sure, it's good to create scoring spots when you're winning, but that spot is becoming much easier for him to hit for 40-50 points. I'd rather keep it as a less likely scoring spot (say, requiring an L or Y for L/Y(OWE), and condense the two blatant seven lanes into two 8 lanes. Three consonants isn't so bad either because there are now two Es to play through. I stand by this play, but I wouldn't really argue against anybody who prefered CRED(O).
>Chris_Tallman: AIPRSTZ J5 IZ.. +33 139
>dacrON: CGLRRTW 5H TW.RL +16 302
>Chris_Tallman: AAPRSTT H1 TRAP. +30 169
#note I fortuitously blocked PART(I)TAS, which Chris mentioned he was prepared to play.
>dacrON: CGILRRS 3G G.RLICS +26 328
#note I don't think keeping CS and keeping additional lanes open is worth 10 points. I retain the last R, which is great for this pool, and take the R out of the game for him (minus the blank).
>Chris_Tallman: AOSSTTU N5 OUT.ASTS +62 231
>dacrON: EEGNQRY F7 Q.EY +24 352
>Chris_Tallman: ?AACISY A7 YA +31 262
#note Easily a better play than the two valid bingoes that play here (but they're still cool!)
>dacrON: AEEGNOR 15B RENEGA.O +61 413
>Chris_Tallman: ?ACEIOS 1A COAlIES. +77 339
#note CAnOEIS(T) is three more.
>dacrON: EEFINNO 2F FE. +31 444
#note Not really sure what I'm supposed to do here. Quackle suggests tacking on the E, or 14A EON. The main consideration I came up with is that if he has XI, I should leave myself a comeback underneath. As I continue to look at the play 2D INFE(R) looks nice to block the X spot. Considering there are only 3 vowels left, keeping a vowel heavy leave seems pretty reasonable here, especially keeping an E, but Quackle's not really on board with me 100%. Thoughts?
>Chris_Tallman: IKLNPUX 2B XI +38 377
#note Quackle suggest the Nigelian 11G P(E)KIN, which I can't do much about. It will be hard for Chris to go out in two, so P(E)KIN should also cut down on my scoring opportunities, as I'd need to block the 52 point XU play.
>dacrON: EINNOTV 3A VOTE +30 474
#note I was so stuck on blocking punk via row 3 that it didn't occur to me to actually hook MARE myself. E3 VINE or VENT save me a play at 3A for next turn, and are three points better.
>Chris_Tallman: AKLNPU 12J PUNK. +22 399
#note 10H KNAP is 3 better. KEDGED is cool.
>dacrON: INN A10 INN +9 483
>dacrON: (AL) +4 487
#note One of the rare tile mismatches in the first 5/6 of this tournament for me. Not too many thoughts beyond the preendgame EEFINNO rack...
Player 2
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