Player 1 |
#player1 Jason Jason
#player2 dacrON dacrON
>Jason: EFGHLNR 8G FEH +18 18
#note Thank you to Jason for providing racks for this game!
>dacrON: EIIKOOW 7G OWE +25 25
>Jason: AGGLNRU F5 GUL +13 31
>dacrON: DIIKNOO 5A DIKIN. +24 49
#note INDI(G)O is winning a sim because supposedly I average 10 more points per turn on average (and a slight decrease in average score for Jason. I can't figure out where those 10 points are coming from, so I opted to make this overly-open play.
>Jason: ADDFGNR 6B FAD +37 68
>dacrON: CEMNOTY A1 COYE. +36 85
#note This is probably the best play, but props if you knew CYMO(ID).
>Jason: DGHINRT D4 R..DING +22 90
#note Conrad: I wondered if I might get a free turn with the phony G hook, should it come up. Incidentally, I think I might take H(ID)ING here for two more points, but the plays seem virtually even.
>dacrON: CGMOTUX 8A COM.X +48 133
>Jason: ?EEHOTT 10D .OETHiTE +65 155
#note I would probably take (G)HETTOEd or TO(G)ETHEr here, but if Jason want's the volatility, then this is a perfectly nice play (and find)!
>dacrON: DEIITTU H10 .UTTED +33 166
#note It is so tough to sacrifice 23 point for a DEIT leave, but Quackle says I should here, just barely. I still don't think it's a big difference, and would be happy to take the points now, especially as the board isn't so conducive to bingoes after TUI.
>Jason: AELRRST K5 REALT.RS +82 237
>dacrON: AIIINUW 12D UNWI. +16 182
#note I need to get lucky, and fast. I just didn't want to sacrifice a turn exchanging, but AII is pretty bad. In my defense, there are a lot of big lanes open.
>Jason: EIOORSU 8K .OUIE +18 255
>dacrON: ?AIILNV A8 .AVILINg +89 271
#note I missed (D)ILUVIAN for 95. I could've sworn I saw it - perhaps I miscounted the location of the V? Regardless, I did not play it. :(
>Jason: AGIOPRS J4 GAP +24 279
#note IORS works well with only IOO remaining, but I think I like 4K PARGO or PIROG here. PIROG scores two more, but with AAAAAI unseen, might be worth sacrificing two here. GAP is a fine play, but I'd opt for some extra points here, as the game is so close.
>dacrON: AELNQRT I3 QAT +28 299
#note I thought Q(U)ANT might be a better play, shedding the LN combo, and saving an L should I draw an A, but I have to wonder if this sim is biassed by the fact that the top static play might involve (QUANT)A too much. Probably a fine play, but there is definitely something to be said for plays through the U. This game will likely come down to bingoing, so I want to bingo as fast as I can, without sacrificing too much, hence why I eventually decided on this play, despite using the case T.
>Jason: IMORSSV 14G V.RISMOS +80 359
>dacrON: BEELNNR 13M BEN +20 319
#note Gotta push for bingos still.
>Jason: AAEEOOR 12K .OAR +16 375
#note Jason correctly noted after the game that 12J A(S)EA may have been slightly safer. There's really no good way for Jason to block much here (1A (C)OOEE? lol). It's a tough position, although he is in good shape.
>dacrON: BEILNRZ J13 B.Z +14 333
#note L3 ZIN also seems worth consideration, although it does empty the bag.
>Jason: AAAEEOY 15J .OA +20 395
#note Jason has to block PILSENER to win. A two-tile play at 7N will accomplish this goal. To my great fortune, he mistracked, and thought I had garbage (we figured it may have been UNWI(T) that he missed, as he mentioned thinking WU was still out.
>dacrON: EILNPRS O2 PILSEN.R +61 394
#note In my haste, I played the bingo in the wrong spot.
>dacrON: (AAEEJY) +32 426
#note Jason was a good sport about this - I lucked out!