Game Details
Player 1
#player1 JD JD
#player2 Will_Anderson Will Anderson
>Will_Anderson: AADINOR D8 .AIRDO +20 20
#note J: will spent a long time thinking about this play W: Some of that was spent determining how good ADINOR is as a leave, some considering G7 OVA setting up my N (too easily blocked by normal play, I felt), and a smidge spent making sure I wasn't going crazy and missing something obvious.
>JD: ?DFITUW C13 WUD +24 54
#note J: opening 3x3 lanes holding the blank is generally a good idea...
>Will_Anderson: ?AAEEGN 15A EN.AmAGE +140 160
#note J: will was kicking himself for not play gadarene to prevent the Z comeback, which is surely a minor error. W: ZA already goes down for 40+ at C9 - relax, self!
>JD: ?FFILNT 10C T.FF +18 72
#note J: quackle also likes tiffin, but I figured I would need the lane on column B to have a shot at the comeback.
>Will_Anderson: IIIMOOY 14E OY +27 187
#note W: Bet Jesse put me on something a bit stronger than IIIMO.
>JD: ?ILNPRS A8 SPRINkL. +80 152
>Will_Anderson: IIIJMNO H6 JI.O +11 198
>JD: BCGOQUX 14H BOX +32 184
>Will_Anderson: IIMNNOO 12D .OMINION +62 260
>JD: CDGMPQU 11J DUMP +25 209
#note J: no S, hoping he doesn't kill me...and if he does have it at least I have a new lane with DUMPS
>Will_Anderson: AEEHIKS L6 HAKEE.S +66 326
>JD: ACGGQRT K5 QAT +31 240
>Will_Anderson: CIIIRSV F4 CIVI. +18 344
>JD: ACEGGNR 4D CE.A +16 256
#note J: I was grasping at straws at this point, but I have a few nice tries that I didn't come up with because I was trying to save DUMPS - EGGAR at M3 scores a bit and sets up an S, and CRAG at M4 sets up a particularly dangerous lane on row 3. both would be better than my choice.
>Will_Anderson: EIIORRS 8K S.IER +40 384
>JD: EEGGNRY 3G YEGG +24 280
#note J: I should probably just take the points for GYRENE, I thought I was being clever by creating this lane on row 2. on second reflection, maybe this place is decent.
>Will_Anderson: AEEIORT J6 AE +15 399
#note W: Both spots of OE have advantages over this. Looks like I get 15% more bingos down with fishing OE at B8, and I also reduce Jesse's chances to 3% with 7N OE while retaining nearly equivalent bingo% to AE.
>Will_Anderson: EIORTTZ H1 ZE. +36 435
#note W: From my POV blocking BUNDLER/BLUNDER and SUBDUER is the primary goal here.
>JD: BDLLNRU E4 .L +8 365
#note J: I wanted to fish for DOUBLURE unblockable and hope will didn't score enough while blocking, but even if I hit it will can score too much. just fishing for UNBRIDLE at this point and hoping will gets distracted by calculating his worldwinner winnings.
>Will_Anderson: EIORTTW N5 TWE.T +18 453
#note J: will's actual rack, the S was in the bag. blocking SUBRULED* in case it was good. W: UNBRUSED# is still possible!
>JD: BDLNRUU N12 DUB +25 390
>Will_Anderson: IORS 1H .ORIS +15 468
>Will_Anderson: (LNRU) +8 476
Player 2
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