Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Joel Joel Sherman
#player2 Jesse Jesse Day
#title 2014 NSC Round 20
#description Joel Sherman plays Jesse Day in Round 20 at the 2014 NSC
>Joel: AEIORWZ 8D ZOWIE +54 54
#note this was the annotated game from round 20 of the 2014 NSC
>Jesse: AADLNSY H2 ANALYS.D +63 63
>Joel: ADGJRUY 5D JUGA. +26 80
>Jesse: ABEIKNP 7E BAP. +27 90
#note this play was difficult. I burned a lot of time. just ZINEB for the points looks best now
>Joel: ADMRTUY 4H .DYTUM +24 104
#note I held for awhile but didn't challenge
>Jesse: EIIKNNR E7 ..INK +22 112
>Joel: ABINORW M3 I.BROWN +32 136
>Jesse: EILNPRR 8K RE.IN +27 139
#note I agonized over this play and almost chickened out of it.
>Joel: ?AADTTX D3 TA. +20 156
>Jesse: GLNPRSS 2F PR.NG +18 157
#note an easy play that allowed me to regain a little bit of time
>Joel: ?AADTVX 4C T.XA +23 179
>Jesse: AEELLSS 9D A.LE. +30 187
#note : ( I saw LEAKLESS and agonized over it for many minutes! amazingly, I have apparently seen it in my cardbox 32 times (probably because I get it a few times and then forget), most recently two months ago, but with a good leave in hand I couldn't make myself take the gamble. I also didn't look for a better play than AILED which I could've found - SAILED to prevent scoring plays.
>Joel: ?ADEFOV C9 FAVOrED +98 277
#note as I played AILED Joel said aloud "nice play, but it'll cost you..." in fact if I play LEAKLESS he has no bingo.
>Jesse: AEILSSU O7 I.ULASES +59 246
>Joel: EHIIOQR 15A HI.ER +30 307
>Jesse: CEGMOOT 14J COMET. +32 278
#note GEMOTS is better. I need the lane on row 15 even if it is unlikely. there are a lot of bingos I could've drawn there down the stretch (although CORONET wouldn't have fit next turn because of OT). I was a bit flustered by the LEAKLESS sequence and missed the importance of playing GEMOTS.
>Joel: EIOQRTU 12J QUOTE. +30 337
>Jesse: ?EGNOOT 3B TE. +10 288
#note I got really low on time and missed GENTOO! I saw it on my rack but didn't realize its potence in opening the board. I actually bingo more after TET than GENTOO (the G is not a very good lane to hit), but the difference is that after he blocks TET, my bingo often won't be enough to win me the game anyway. GENTOO only bingos 5% next turn with the actual pool, since he has many of the good bingo letters already, but if I do bingo from the G I should win.
>Joel: EEILORV 2A LEV +22 359
>Jesse: ?GINOOR 5M .O +4 292
#note out of ideas and time, did this just as a distraction. at least I could hit ORANGISH if he somehow doesn't play there, but really he is almost certain to block all my bingo lanes.
>Joel: DEEIORS 12B R.OSED +26 385
>Jesse: ?CGINOR O1 INCOG +33 325
#note best
>Joel: EFHII 15K FEH +25 410
>Jesse: ?R 6L e.R +8 333
#note should slow play, no time
>Jesse: (II) +4 337
Player 2
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