Player 1 |
#player1 Nigel Nigel Peltier
#player2 Jesse Jesse Day
#title 2014 NSC Round 17
#description Nigel Peltier plays Jesse Day in Round 17 at the 2014 NSC
>Nigel: ?EGGHNO 8G HOGG +18 18
>Jesse: ANOQTUU 7E QUOTA +28 28
#note a little non-intuitive to pass up the 3 points, but the vastly improved defense (his per turn drops from 39 to 32) makes it worthwhile, and I still allow for another Q play next turn
>Nigel: ?BCEEIN 6I BICE +16 34
#note he missed benefic here
>Jesse: AEFLNOU E7 .UALE +28 56
#note QUEAN is actually noticeably better than QUALE because of the much improved FL synergy - my bingo percentage jumps from 8% to 13%.
>Nigel: ??AEEIN K6 .AssEINE +75 109
>Nigel: ??AEEIN -- -75 34
>Jesse: FJNOOOP D11 FOP +21 77
#note this is a tough play where the sim is not much help - what do I expect him to play next turn? I thought about POOF at D11 but ANISEED/ETESIAN on row 15 leaves a huge S hook that I wouldn't be able to do much about. FOP leaves me a nice guaranteed J play, and I might even get to play the J for lots of points next turn if he opens column A (JIAO/JEAN/JEON or something).
>Nigel: ??AEEIN 14A EtEsIAN +72 106
>Jesse: AEJKNOO C12 JO. +37 114
#note a significant error - A12 is a major threat that I should block this turn, even if it does make my rack uglier
>Nigel: ADGLSTZ A11 GAZ.D +51 157
#note his fallback option after GAZED is way worse, hence KNEE last turn
>Jesse: AEEKNOT 15F TOKE +28 142
#note in spite of the consonant-heavy pool, keeping AENT definitely justifies sacrificing 5 points. OKE is the play
>Nigel: DLPSSST 9C PL.TS +18 175
>Jesse: AEEINRR F9 .IRE +16 158
>Nigel: DNSSTUX L3 UNS.X +24 199
>Jesse: AENNRRT 3K R.N +6 164
#note I felt that I had to threaten a big lane to oppose his S hook and prevent him from closing all the other lanes by playing something and TOKEN/TOKED/TOKER
>Nigel: BCDESTW N2 WEB +20 219
>Jesse: AEEINRT O4 ARENITE +79 243
>Nigel: CDRSTTW -DCWT +0 219
>Jesse: ADEIIIU N10 ADIEU +20 263
>Nigel: ADIMRST 13H MISRAT.D +74 293
>Jesse: EIIORVY K10 IVO.Y +22 285
#note the case S is out there, and I can still bingo on row 2. blocks some scoring plays too
>Nigel: EHLLNSV L12 H.EN +31 324
#note a bit unlucky that he had a play here, but he had other options like VILLAE that are even better
>Jesse: AAEIRTW N6 WAT +31 316
>Nigel: ILLMSVY J8 .YM +25 349
>Jesse: ACEFIRR I12 F.R. +7 323
#note I think I made the best play I can make here. Quackle likes FA at 2J, which I considered, but CEIRR didn't draw into enough bingos (drawing OS would be a win, for 2/36). Instead, keeping ACEIR draws a bingo on row 2 one third of the time, which will be very tough for nigel to block, draws a SPLATS bingo 5/36 (DS LS NS and SV) and is also 2/36 to draw bingos on both row 2 and column B (SV - VARICES and VISCERA, NS - CARNIES and ARCSINE).
>Nigel: DILLNSV B5 VILLS +18 367
>Jesse: ACEIOOR 5B .OICER +22 345
#note my best play, it turns out
>Nigel: DN D4 D.N +8 375
>Nigel: (AO) +4 379