Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Maddy_Kamen Maddy Kamen
#player2 Matthew_Tunnicliffe Matthew Tunnicliffe
>Maddy_Kamen: IWZ 8G WIZ +30 30
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: AAEEUVY 7D UVEA +14 14
>Maddy_Kamen: FIJ D6 F.JI +22 52
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: ADEEQTY C9 QAT +43 57
>Maddy_Kamen: ?ABIMOT 6G TIMBAlO +72 124
>Maddy_Kamen: ?ABIMOT -- -72 52
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: ?DEELUY B10 YE +28 85
#note Forces her to play BIOTA and hurt her bingo chances.
>Maddy_Kamen: ?ABIMOT A11 BIOTA +29 81
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: ?DELORU 15A .UREOLeD +77 162
>Maddy_Kamen: ?MOV F4 MOV. +17 98
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: DEEGHLT 4C HEL.ED +28 190
#note Weeaak. HEDGE at D11 scores better and keeps a good leave. I missed it.
>Maddy_Kamen: ?DEMNPS 3G DaMPENS +89 187
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: EEGGRST H1 EG.. +15 205
#note 14G EGG sims quite a bit better. I guess setting up my S is better for my bingo chances than opening another through tile and keeping row 14 clear. Quackle hates EGAD.
>Maddy_Kamen: EGII L1 GE.II +16 203
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: AEGRSTU 13A .UTRAGES +70 275
>Maddy_Kamen: NOT 3B TON +18 221
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: EFHIKNS 2A KIF +33 308
#note Ehhhh I should block the 2x2 I guess. I wasn't a fan of KIF setting up the X. But KNIFE is reasonable. I was a little too worried about row 2 plays, but they're rare.
>Maddy_Kamen: ADEORTU K5 OUTDARE +86 307
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: EHLNSSX E1 SHE.L +24 332
#note Bah, this is awful. I failed to track GENII, so XI fishes looked way better than they actually were. The sane normal play is just E9 SEX. But the awsome play is G3 DEX! That almost always works! Did not see that at all. SHELL is quite a bit back.
>Maddy_Kamen: BNO J9 NOB +17 324
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: INPRSTX J6 XI +52 384
>Maddy_Kamen: ACCEINR 14H ACCRINE +88 412
>Maddy_Kamen: ACCEINR -- -88 324
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: ANOPRST L9 PATRONS +83 467
>Maddy_Kamen: ACCEINR 15L .CAR +18 342
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: AAINORW 14G WANIO. +20 487
#note like, way suboptimal. I can't remember but I think I was low on time.
>Maddy_Kamen: CEILNY 13K Y.NIC +25 367
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: AR I11 AR +8 495
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: (EL) +4 499
Player 2
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