Game Details
Player 1
#player1 dacrON dacrON
#player2 Seth_Lipkin Seth Lipkin
>dacrON: AAAGOTU -AAGOU +0 0
>Seth_Lipkin: ADDEEOO -ADEOO +0 0
#note Thanks to Seth for providing his racks. I would take ODEA for 10 here, with the O on the star.
>dacrON: ANRRSTW 8G WARN +14 14
#note Pretty sure this was my rack.
>Seth_Lipkin: CDEEEIS 9F CEDE +21 21
#note EDE(N)IC is a cool word!
>dacrON: ?MRSTTT I7 T..T +5 19
>Seth_Lipkin: EIIIIOS -IIIIO +0 21
>dacrON: ?AMRSTT K8 STRATuM +74 93
#note I was almost positive this took an S, and although I have a ton of respect for Seth's word knowledge, I have nothing to lose by choosing this over making the blank an E.
>Seth_Lipkin: CDEILSY 11E ECDYSI.L +83 104
#note This is a gorgeous play.
>dacrON: BDEJLOQ 13J Q.OD +26 119
>Seth_Lipkin: ?EELSSV N7 VEsSELS +75 179
#note Now, STRATuMS is completely irrelevant as SSSS?? is gone this early! But I did manage to avoid the hook getting played.
>dacrON: ABEGIJL J6 JI. +28 147
#note J(E)E seems obvious, but there's only 1 D left, and I think that creating the hook is a great thing to do here. If he gets it, so be it, but he might opt to block it, or I may be the one to draw it. I think this is a sacrifice worth making. One of my first attempts at an illusory setup - how'd I do?
>Seth_Lipkin: AAIIMNY O8 MI +25 204
#note The problem is that he gets this spot.
>dacrON: ABEGLOW 12A BOWEL +28 175
>Seth_Lipkin: AAHINVY C8 HANI.A +26 230
#note Maybe C12 (W)AVY - keeps the board closed.
>dacrON: AAGGRUU 6J .UGA +12 187
#note I am at an absolute loss of what to do here. I spent a good 4 minutes over the board, and couldn't come up with anything. UG(H) or AG(H)A have to be out, as they destroy the board, but what else do I do? This doesn't do much for the D(JIN) hook, as an impending play in column D + my play effectively immobilizes D(JIN), but I don't see much in the way of alternatives. Maybe (Q)UA, which I didn't see over the board?
>Seth_Lipkin: GIINPVY L2 VYIN. +24 254
#note I can see why Seth wouldn't want to play GYVIN(G) here, though VI(M) is enticing, perhaps. After HANI(W)A though, I'd probably give up and play GYVIN(G) though.
>dacrON: AEGOORU D3 AERUGO +22 209
#note 12K (T)OO(L) looks pretty good, too, but AEGRU is not a very good leave. I don't exactly want to be drawing six into this pool either, so take your pick The board is at least open for the forseeable future either way. I think I give this play a slight edge.
>Seth_Lipkin: BEGINPR A10 EB.ING +33 287
#note PREBING, the days before Dave Wiegand.
>dacrON: IKOOTUU 5A KOU.OI +20 229
#note Yikes.
>Seth_Lipkin: EFNOPRT A5 .ERF +33 320
#note I like PRO(O)F here, to block more, or (K)NOP doesn't set up the X spot. But just the same, I'm likely not gunning for the X right now, so Seth's ability to get the X is probably quite good. Also, from my POV he could be setting it up, too.
>dacrON: ADNPTUZ C1 ADZ +48 277
>Seth_Lipkin: EINOOPT 1A PI.NO +24 344
>dacrON: LNOPRTU H11 .OUR +8 285
#note Basically, I'm setting up the last N, and going for an outbingo. If he blocks below, I can bingo out through the I maybe, and also should be able to outrun X plays. Perhaps getting creative here isn't best, and I could just play H11 (Y)UPON, but this also disrupts the flow of the game, and forces Seth to address this new threat. I like this play...
>Seth_Lipkin: AEEIORT 15A .AITER +8 352
#note Unfortunately for me, Seth has all the vowels, and he correctly blocks the EXPLANT threat.
>dacrON: AFLNPTX B4 F.X +54 339
>Seth_Lipkin: EEHO 3L .EH +18 370
#note Seth was low on time, and my only hope is that he might play HO(V)E, but it was not to be. 10I (T)H(R)EE(S) is best, but that's a ridiculous find under time pressure, and this is 2nd best.
>dacrON: ALNPT 15H NAP +39 378
#note Just incase he messes up under time pressure, even though F2 PLA(I)NT is here as an outplay.
>Seth_Lipkin: EO 2L .OE +24 394
>Seth_Lipkin: (LT) +4 398
#note I gave it my all, but Seth played well to keep me from bingoing!
Player 2
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