Player 1 |
#player1 Jerry_Lerman Jerry Lerman
#player2 JD JD
>Jerry_Lerman: HM 8G HM +14 14
#note I can also play just WEE or WHEE, playing WHEE sims a tad better in spite of the 3-vowel leave due to improved defense (harder to hit triple-word score)
>Jerry_Lerman: ADIOV 8A AVOID +33 47
>JD: EEHIJNU B6 JI.E +30 48
#note I auto-piloted JIVE, but it gives back a lot of points and bingos less than either JEHAD or HADJEE. a bit of a surprising result to me but I guess EHNU is a meager leave
>Jerry_Lerman: ?ACELRU 9H UnCLEAR +64 111
#note I guess he missed SECULAR/RECUSAL
>JD: EEHNOUY 10B YOU +40 88
>Jerry_Lerman: EPW 8M PEW +30 141
>JD: EEHNRSZ E5 HE..ERS +51 139
>Jerry_Lerman: ADEERST K4 TREAD.ES +86 227
>JD: EIINRXZ F10 NIX +24 163
#note I'm giving up some points to do it, but with only two Es left it seemed like this lane would really come in handy, and I allow myself to fish for ZAIRE at the top-left.
>Jerry_Lerman: ABO J5 OBA +25 252
>JD: EEIMRRZ F2 MIRE +17 180
#note opening a new quadrant is good, but the definite best play is REM at 10M - if I find it, an A draw guarantees me either ZAIRE or MAZIER! all this does is open up the board a bit
>Jerry_Lerman: OTTU D2 TOUT +14 266
>JD: AEGIIRZ C1 ZIG +34 214
#note knowing jerry this play seemed like an S setup - and now I might be able to score cheap points with FEZ/FIZ if I draw it
>Jerry_Lerman: KN 2A KN.. +16 282
#note back to level!
>Jerry_Lerman: COTV N5 COV..T +15 297
>JD: AAFNNOP L1 FANO +26 317
>Jerry_Lerman: ?FIORST 14G FORTIeS +66 363
#note he's in good shape here whether he bingos now, scores with SOFFIT or fishes with OF
>JD: ABILNPS 1L .LAB +27 344
#note FLAB seemed to take out a lot of his worst scoring plays and leave myself a chance of bingoing on row 15. I might also win if jerry picked up the Q and has to play it next turn. quackle also likes BLAIN at 2J which I did not think of - it bingos less and risks picking the Q more, but also blocks his spot for QUA if he just drew it. I think FLAB is a fine try
>Jerry_Lerman: DGIN 15L DING +30 393
>JD: DILNPQS A1 S.IP +39 383
#note a bigger priority than playing the Q
>Jerry_Lerman: AGLOUY 12C YA +19 412
#note part of his best sequence (OILY at D12 would do the trick too)
>JD: DLNQ K13 Q. +11 394
>Jerry_Lerman: GLOU A13 .UG +12 424
#note mogul to go out
>JD: DLN H14 .N +6 400
#note down to 0 seconds as usual
>Jerry_Lerman: LO 2F .OL +5 429
#note he was also low
>Jerry_Lerman: (DL) +6 435