Player 1 |
#player1 Noah Noah
#player2 Joey_Mallick Joey Mallick
>Noah: BEIRSUZ H4 ZEBUS +52 52
>Joey_Mallick: ACGMRSX G5 MAX +45 45
>Noah: EEILORT 4H .LOTE +28 80
#note Didn't like the big S hook ZEOLITE opened.
>Joey_Mallick: ACGIRSW 3L WIG +19 64
>Noah: EFGINRY F2 GRIEF +42 122
#note I was overhasty here -- FINERY and FIERY at 5J are very good options, as is EF. I don't like EF much because of plays hooking EF and opening EF, but the others are great post-WIG. Hard to decide between the two -- FINERY is good because playing down from the Y closes down the big row 8 bingo and because it opens the WEE for hooking. FIERY is good because it doesn't make playing down and opening the bottom of the board as easy. It's hard to say between the two, and GRIEF is a decent option, but blocking the S hook just seems like a good idea at the moment.
>Joey_Mallick: ACDORRS 5J ROD +21 85
>Noah: AANNNPY 2M PAN +20 142
#note NAPA scores a lot more but it opens a huge AWED hook and leaves the WIGS hook as well. This is more defensive and sets up YA if I need it. The Y is also decent at playing through the R I think. PAY is an option but the leave is gross and it allows him to fish much more lucratively.
>Joey_Mallick: ACIKRSW J3 W..K +21 106
>Noah: ACHJNNY 3C CHA.Y +34 176
>Joey_Mallick: ACEIIRS 8G I. +15 121
>Noah: EEJNNNN -EENNNN +0 176
#note No idea what to exchange here. I think I want to keep the J, as it has a lot of scoring potential here, and even defensive potential in a few cases. The question is do I also want to keep the E or N? I thought about keeping the N because of JOHN and the E because maybe I can go through bingos to score better if I have the E, but I didn't think of JEHU, which is another reason to keep it. Quackle has all the exchanges keeping J close, with EJN on top. Generally I like Quackle a lot for comparing similar exchanges.
>Joey_Mallick: ACEIPRS F8 SPACIER +68 189
#note Too bad that I got in the way of my own SCRAPIES 8H.
>Noah: EGJLOOT 1N JO +44 220
>Joey_Mallick: DEILNNO D3 .ONDLE +22 211
#note Glad I didn't try IN(H)OLD*. This isn't too much worse anyway.
>Noah: ?EGLNOT 11E O.TaNGLE +90 310
>Joey_Mallick: AEEINOR C6 AEON +14 225
>Noah: ABDELNT B6 BED +31 341
#note Thought about something like TaBLED or aBLED, but it seemed like after this the bottom of the board was closable within 1-2 turns, whereas after a col H play the left side of the board was not, and he could actually make some pretty dangerous setups (e.g. HAVE B8). I also thought about making ABED B5 but the A seemed to add a lot of flexibility and column 1 scoring plays could put him within 1 bingo range, especially if he uses the Q. I'd rather force him to score at the bottom of the board and take up more space.
>Joey_Mallick: EHIRSUV 12L HIVE +32 257
#note My other thought here was RAVISH H10, but the board would have been pretty closed with a rather sizable deficit.
>Noah: AELNTUV 13D EV.NTUAL +63 404
#note I played this way too quickly -- VULVAE N9 and various column O plays (VENUE/VALUE/VENULE) deserve serious consideration, and I had tons of time left. I think this is ultimately still correct -- my spread has been getting better and is becoming more important. In particular, I'm very close to Conrad on spread and spread mattering between the two of us is pretty likely. Also, a post-EVENTUAL 3x3 is hardly a guaranteed win.
>Joey_Mallick: FRTU 12A TURF +26 283
#note I basically needed a triple-triple to have any chance. No such luck.
>Noah: AIIIMQR O8 RAMI. +21 425
#note Now blocking seems easily worth it though.
>Joey_Mallick: ADEOSTY 14J YO +28 311
>Noah: ?IIIQSU 15H QIS +42 467
>Joey_Mallick: ADERSTT A10 RA.TED +21 332
>Noah: ?AEIIOU N10 OA.Es +26 493
>Joey_Mallick: NST D12 ..TS +8 340
>Noah: IIU B6 ...U +9 502
>Joey_Mallick: N 13M N. +8 348
>Joey_Mallick: (II) +4 352