Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Steve_Alexander Steve Alexander
#player2 Carl_Johnson Carl Johnson
>Steve_Alexander: ?ADFGLS 8F FLAG +16 16
#note Quackle slightly prefers FLAGS here. That's reasonable-- the blank already serves as an S, and DS is somewhat anti-synergic. Elise prefers FLAG, keeping the S for next turn.
>Carl_Johnson: FINORTV G3 FRIVO. +17 17
#note Here Quackle goes for VINO 7C, which doesn't give as much back. Elise goes with FRIVOL.
>Steve_Alexander: ?DEEEST 3G .ESTErED +74 90
#note Here, Quackle plays ShEETFED for a few more points, where Elise goes with FESTERED because it controls the board better at minimal expense.
>Carl_Johnson: AEHNORT 7I ANOTHER +69 86
#note I haven't studied in a year, so there are holes in my word knowledge. I looked at AEHINORT and was confident there could be nothing there, so confident that when Quackle showed me ANTIHERO, I was like "Whoaa... that's a word?" One weakness of mine is that I must study everything, even common high-prob words, or I will lose them over time. (-30)
>Steve_Alexander: ?DIINOO N3 .IOD. +11 101
#note Missing HOmINOID M7-- bad, but more forgivable. (-23.5)
>Carl_Johnson: AADHMUW 4D AWA.D +27 113
#note Both Quackle and Elise opt for HAW or WUD 6I. (-1)
>Steve_Alexander: ?EINOSX 9A tOXINES +91 192
>Carl_Johnson: AHJMOTU 8A ATOM +48 161
#note It seemed close between this and J plays on column L. I don't like closing these lanes, but Steve will be able to do that next turn anyway. Steve may not have a comeback after ATOM, and I'll be able to score with the J on this board next turn. ATOM and JORUM sim equal.
>Steve_Alexander: EILRRTU 6E RI.ULET +24 216
#note Best. RUED H1 is an option, but this play controls the board better.
>Carl_Johnson: AEHJORU 5B JURA +36 197
#note Both Quackle and Elise prefer the L1 placement, which I don't understand at all.
>Steve_Alexander: CEINRSV 9I SCRIVEN +73 289
>Steve_Alexander: CEINRSV -- -73 216
#note Demoralization was starting to sink in, and I nearly let this go. It didn't look right, but it seemed ok (SHRIVEN, STRIVEN, SCRIVENER). By the time I decided to challenge, it looked a little too unfamiliar. Besides which, the situation becomes desperate if it's good.
>Carl_Johnson: EGHILOY 10D GOY +40 237
#note YO 10B is actually better. Steve can't use row F10, and I retain the H for next turn. EGHIL is a fine leave too. Elise goes with HERL O5, blocking some of Steve's plays and keeping the Y for row 10.
>Steve_Alexander: CEINRSV H1 VI.. +24 240
#note VOX C7 looks a little better. The I adds a lot of value to that rack. (-5)
>Carl_Johnson: BEEHILN O5 HE.B +35 272
>Steve_Alexander: ACENRSY 9M CRY +24 264
#note Surprisingly, both Quackle and Elise choose CAY instead. That confuses me. CRY keeps as good a leave, doesn't give back a monster Z play, and sets up the S. What is the computer seeing?
>Carl_Johnson: AEILNNO B2 NIN.A +28 300
>Steve_Alexander: AENNSTW B8 ..WN +15 279
#note Not a bad choice, but there's too many ways it could go wrong. WIN 3A accomplishes the same thing and doesn't allow me to score big with the Q or Z. The L9 spot isn't going anywhere, and if I use it, I'll probably give back a lot of good lanes. (-6)
>Carl_Johnson: CEELOOS A1 COLE +28 328
>Steve_Alexander: AEINSTU 12B SINUATE +74 353
>Carl_Johnson: EEIOPQS -EQOP +0 328
#note Quackle sees this as a tough choice between keeping or ditching the P. Lots of consonants in the bag. Elise plays PEISE H11, which seems totally bizarre. Maybe it's going for SUQ or QIS on row 14?
>Steve_Alexander: DEGILUZ C1 ZED +37 390
#note TOUZLED K8 looks a little better because of what it takes out. However, Steve must worry about drawing the Q after my exchange. If I block QAT A7, will he be able to outrun me? Elise finds a Nigel Richards play here: REGILD N9, hoping to draw into QUIZ 12L. Assuming I traded the Q, Steve will draw it 5 times out of 7.
>Carl_Johnson: ABEIMST C7 B.. +15 343
#note The obvious fish, but it hits very often. Kind of wish I had kept the P for VAMPIEST, but I might draw it back.
>Steve_Alexander: EGIKLQU M9 .LIQUE +34 424
#note Quackle plays short here with KEG K2. Elise goes with the unintuitive REGULI N9, blocking the most likely lanes and ensuring two places for the Q.
>Carl_Johnson: AEIMPST 15I IMPASTE +104 447
>Carl_Johnson: (GKOPR) +24 471
Player 2
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