Player 1 |
#player1 Siddharth_Murali Siddharth Murali
#player2 Joshua_Sokol Joshua Sokol
>Siddharth_Murali: AACGGOR 8F AGOG +12 12
#note I've updated my racks. Sheer frustration caused me to play very poorly this game. No missed bingos or major misses, but recurrent 5 point errors throughout proved to be fatal...
>Joshua_Sokol: FFLNRTW F6 FL.WN +21 21
#note thought this was good?
>Siddharth_Murali: ACDEORY 10A CRAYO.ED +66 78
#note Sid knew it wasn't but it gave him a bingo.
>Joshua_Sokol: ?FIORST D3 FROSTIl. +78 99
#note I looked forever... Nothing plays to the C. FORT(Y)ISh is the other option it seems. They both look around equal.
>Siddharth_Murali: AEEHLOO C3 OOH +29 107
>Joshua_Sokol: ?EIIMRV A8 VI.E +27 126
#note How do I miss VIREMI(C) when I immediately see it now :/
>Siddharth_Murali: ADEELPU 12A DUPE +31 138
>Joshua_Sokol: ?ADEIIM 13C AMIDInE +84 210
>Siddharth_Murali: AELMNSU 14B AMU +22 160
>Joshua_Sokol: AEGNTUV I6 VU.G +12 222
#note Maybe E3 TEG? Maybe just VU(G)!
>Siddharth_Murali: BEHLNRS 7H H.B +13 173
>Joshua_Sokol: AAEENRT H13 .AE +6 228
#note E4 AE, E3 TAE. Tunnel vision. Wanted to block a lot. That's probably worth 10-ish points I guess, at the most. He's obviously close to a bingo. Meh, this wasn't right.
>Siddharth_Murali: EJLNRSZ 15F JE.Z +20 193
#note huh? what just happened
>Joshua_Sokol: AAENRTT 6I .AT +14 242
#note Still blind to E3? Ugh. I'm just flushing points down the drain at this point.
>Siddharth_Murali: ELLNRST 5J TELL +17 210
#note This play reminds me that I think (V)AT was a response to a tell Sid gave off that he didn't draw well after his last play.
>Joshua_Sokol: AENNRTY 14A Y...N +12 254
#note What am I doing
>Siddharth_Murali: AILNNRS 15A AN +23 233
>Joshua_Sokol: AEENRST 11G NEAREST +69 323
#note wow...
>Siddharth_Murali: ILNRRST 12A ....R +11 244
>Joshua_Sokol: AEIOQRX M9 QA. +22 345
#note a huge X play next turn may arise, so this play is pretty strong.
>Siddharth_Murali: IILNRST N9 IN +19 263
>Joshua_Sokol: EIIOORX 6M OX +27 372
#note partial block and OXO setup, should work a lot of the time.
>Siddharth_Murali: ILRSTTW 7L TWIT +30 293
>Joshua_Sokol: EIIOR O5 RO.I +22 394
#note I don't have any leave records from here on... Just trust I made the right play every turn as I obviously have been doing all game. Wink...
>Siddharth_Murali: BDELNRS 4K NEB +26 319
>Joshua_Sokol: EIIKPSU 2A KIP +27 421
>Siddharth_Murali: CDELORS 12I REDOS +37 356
#note CEROS instead
>Joshua_Sokol: EISU A1 U.ES +27 448
#note I felt so bad that I think I didn't try and figure out how much I could get with IS compared to I, and just guessed. -2 then, whatevs
>Siddharth_Murali: CL 4C ..C +5 361
>Joshua_Sokol: I J10 I.. +5 453
>Joshua_Sokol: (L) +2 455