Game Details
Player 1
#player1 JD JD
#player2 David_Whitley David Whitley
#note my 7th was also some consonant or another
>David_Whitley: MUV 8G VUM +16 16
#note be warned that some bad things happen in this game
>JD: ADDIIRS I8 .ID +7 7
#note quackle suggests that MID gives a lot of free points to David compared to ID at 9I - I suppose I can see it in retrospect.
>David_Whitley: BNOY F7 BONY +26 42
>David_Whitley: DENRSTX K6 DEXTR.NS +66 108
#note difficult move - FLITE leads to a much more open game, while AGITA is a little more defensive. I think I prefer AGITA in retrospect.
>David_Whitley: CDEEGNO 12B CONGEED +84 192
#note I can fish effectively with EVE, but this seemed like a nice time to throw the board open
>David_Whitley: AAAEKRW -AAAEKRW +0 192
#note erm...I saw CLEVISES but I thought I had the wrong letters for it.
>David_Whitley: EFHNR - +0 192
#note then david was thinking "why wouldn't he play CLEVISES"? and wound up challenging
>JD: AAIOOTY D1 IOTA +19 214
#note I chickened out of ALIYOT, which is not necessarily better. IOTA actually beats that and TOYO because the Y scores nicely on this board.
>David_Whitley: EFHNR B8 FREN.H +21 213
>JD: AINNOUY 2B A..NY +34 248
#note the leave after YOU at 13G means that it sims better by about a point. I needed to make a relatively quick play because, as usual, I was running out of time.
>David_Whitley: GHOTU 1F OUGHT +32 245
>JD: AINOPUW A13 UPO +20 268
#note there are plenty of heavy tiles to draw out of the bag, so no point in sacrificing points to keep the W. WOP it is
>David_Whitley: AQT B1 Q.T +15 260
>JD: AAAIJNW J5 JAW +25 293
#note big missed opportunity, JAWAN is definitely the play with both blanks unseen.
>David_Whitley: EKZ D8 ZEK +51 311
#note this play would've been much easier with JAWAN, since I could've played from the J without having to gamble so much - but basically I just have to play ANURIA and hope that the blanks were hiding
>David_Whitley: ?ELMRRW O1 W.RMLiER +185 496
>David_Whitley: ?ELMRRW -- -185 311
#note oh no!
>JD: ?OOOPST 1N OP +26 339
#note in great shape now, just need to block this spot and I should have tempo the rest of the way
>David_Whitley: ?ELMRRW 8M .LM +15 326
>JD: ?ABOOST 13G BOOT. +24 363
#note a remarkably stupid game-losing play - I saw the prospect of TOMBOLAS because he took a long time on his play. I even expected him to play ELM. instead I then used my minute to retrack, looked through the alphabet and couldn't find a bingo, and then realized about 2 seconds after I hit my clock that he had FIRMWARE. Ghastly.
>David_Whitley: ?AEIRRW B8 ......Ed +39 365
#note mercifully, he missed it.
>JD: ?AS G6 SA.e +22 385
>JD: (AIRRW) +16 401
Player 2
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