Player 1 |
#player1 Lisa_Odom Lisa Odom
#player2 Jesse_M Jesse M
>Lisa_Odom: IX 8G XI +18 18
>Jesse_M: ABGGGNP H4 BAGG.NG +15 15
#note I am a fan of easy choices!
>Lisa_Odom: FIO 9F FI.O +19 37
>Jesse_M: EINNPTT 4H .ITTEN +16 31
#note Don't know what possessed me to make this move over 5G P(A)INT 14...clearly better, and I even saw it before BITTEN. Just stupid...
>Lisa_Odom: IQ 3I QI +44 81
#note And rightfully so, I'm punished.
>Jesse_M: EEKNPRW 2J KREWE +61 92
>Lisa_Odom: EHNRSTU 1D HUNTERS +100 181
#note Ouch.
>Jesse_M: ENOPPUW 1L POPE +49 141
>Lisa_Odom: DFNORSY -DFNORS +0 181
>Jesse_M: ANNRSVW 5D VARN.S +30 171
>Lisa_Odom: AEEOZ 10B ZOEAE +43 224
>Jesse_M: AMNOSTW 11D MAW +33 204
>Lisa_Odom: ACLU 12B CAUL +25 249
>Jesse_M: ANORSST D3 SO.RAN +20 224
#note So many better moves here...shoulda just fished.
>Lisa_Odom: EIV 8A VEI. +21 270
>Jesse_M: ?AEFMST 6B FA.M +21 245
>Lisa_Odom: DENY K4 .YNED +18 288
>Jesse_M: ?DEISTU J7 DISpUTE +71 316
#note I was not certain of whether BAGGING took an S, so I took 6 less points than any of the bingos that played there.
>Lisa_Odom: TU B12 .UT +10 298
>Jesse_M: ADHIJLR 14F JIHAD +49 365
#note My play scores best, but sims behind 13I J(E)RID 42 and 13I J(E)HAD 48. I saw both, but reasoned that after Lisa's play of CUT, she likely had something very good, and I didn't want to just let her bingo on the bottom 3W line. JIHAD scores the most of all 3 plays and makes bingoing on the bottom very difficult.
>Lisa_Odom: OY 15H OY +35 333
>Jesse_M: ?ALLOOR 15D LOO +13 378
#note My play or 15E LO 11 accomplish the same blocking objective, and accordingly both sim highest.
>Lisa_Odom: DEEILOR 12I E. +2 335
>Jesse_M: ?ADLLRR 12H R..ARD +16 394
#note When I first saw my play, I saw that she had BIOCIDE through its D, so I looked for another play. I saw RETRAL in the same spot, which sims highest, but chickened out on it and looked for a play again. I saw RETARD again and forgot about BIOCIDE, and played it. Oops!
>Lisa_Odom: BCEIIOT M7 BIOCI.E +32 367
>Jesse_M: ?LL 3A iLL. +6 400
>Jesse_M: (T) +2 402