Player 1 |
#player1 Sal_Piro Sal Piro
#player2 Morris Morris
>Sal_Piro: EEZ 8F ZEE +24 24
#note Going into the round, I am in 2nd place, and Sal is in 5th. Matt Graham (1st) was playing Joel Sherman (4th), and Wally Schultz (3rd) was playing Debbie Stegman (6th). We were all within 1 game of each other, and luckily since I was the only one with a tie, I did not have to think about spread nearly as much as the rest.
>Morris: IIOSSTU -IOU +0 0
#note Quackle likes SI or SUIT I8 a bit more.
>Sal_Piro: EE F8 .EE +14 38
#note So far, this game has been pretty E-Z for Sal.
>Morris: DIPSSTV 11C VIDS +29 29
>Sal_Piro: ACEI C9 CA.IE +26 64
>Morris: GNPQRST 10B Q.T +34 63
>Sal_Piro: ALO H5 ALO. +4 68
#note After the game, Sal was mad at himself for not exchanging. I really lucked out here.
>Morris: EGNPRST 5D TREP.NGS +94 157
#note Like I said, I really lucked out here.
>Sal_Piro: AINV 4A VINA +26 94
>Morris: ?DILUUW 7G W.ULD +23 180
>Sal_Piro: AOP 3C APO +19 113
>Morris: ?BEIIIU -IIIU +0 180
#note My first 6 tiles on my rack were BEIIU?, and I was hoping to draw into BIUNIQUE or UBIETIES in some way. (Challenge: find the other bingo in BEIIU???).
>Sal_Piro: EHX 6D HEX +65 178
#note Ouch.
>Morris: ?BCEIOR 2E BICORnE +66 246
#note mICROBE in the same spot is a bit better, and A4 (V)OICER is also something to consider here.
>Sal_Piro: ALORSTT 13B R.TOTALS +60 238
>Morris: DEEFIJN 1H JEED +69 315
#note Well that's nice. Luckbox.
>Sal_Piro: NORW 3K WORN +21 259
>Morris: FFIKNUU N1 FU.K +22 337
#note 8D FU(ZEE) is a bit safer.
>Sal_Piro: AH O1 AH +35 294
>Morris: BDFILNU H12 F.UB +39 376
>Sal_Piro: EMNO A4 .ENOM +30 324
>Morris: ADIILNO O4 AIOLI +25 401
#note I was fine getting rid of all of the vowels here, there are a good amount in the bag still, especially I's. IODIN and ILIAD are a bit better defensively though.
>Sal_Piro: AY N6 YA +28 352
>Morris: DEGIINO 12H .OGIE +20 421
#note I chickened out on FOINED that is much better than this.
>Sal_Piro: ?GNRRTU L11 R. +2 354
>Morris: ADIMNTY K10 DA.NTY +24 445
#note There is a pretty large difference between DAINTY, I9 INM(OS)T, and L10 D(RE)AMY and T(RE)NDY from the rest of the pack. I am lucky I can block basically everything in one move.
>Sal_Piro: ?GINRTU M12 sING +17 371
#note (E)xTRU(D)ING! Still isn't quite enough to win. Sal was looking for a bingo for about 5 minutes, and slapped this down with about 3 seconds left on his clock.
>Morris: IMS 14C SIM +22 467
>Morris: (RTU) +6 473