Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Morris Morris
#player2 Ben_Schoenbrun Ben Schoenbrun
>Morris: ?HIJLMR -JM +0 0
#note Lot's of plays between 57-58 winning % according to Quackle. It likes exchanging HJR best, and playing HM 8G second best. I don't know what I was thinking here exactly, HILR? is sort of clunky.
>Ben_Schoenbrun: AIMOR 8D MOIRA +20 20
>Morris: ?HILLOR E7 H.LLO +16 16
#note Blind to the MOIRAI option. This is the best of the non-MOIRAI plays, but still 2% behind HILLO, and HILL. ILL and LILO also sim better.
>Ben_Schoenbrun: AWY 12C YAW +30 50
>Morris: ?IOPPRR C11 P.RO +18 34
#note I was familiar with neither PROPRIu(M) D1 nor it's plural PROPRIa I3 or 7H. After those, this or PRO 13A look fine.
>Ben_Schoenbrun: AEEIRRS I4 RERAISE +67 117
>Morris: ?AIMPRT J9 IMPARTs +80 114
#note Convinced myself PYRO couldn't be pluralized, so no-go on MIsPART for 98. I also straight up missed PR(O)TAMIn 14A for 84, though it isn't clearly better than IMPARTS, they both create a very volatile board and are simming within 1% of each other.
>Ben_Schoenbrun: AANTV 15J .AVANT +36 153
>Morris: ADEEFIV H1 FIVE +36 150
#note No FAVE because of all of the I's unseen.
>Ben_Schoenbrun: BEE K9 BEE +28 181
>Morris: ADEGNST G7 G.ANDEST +64 214
>Ben_Schoenbrun: EX H11 EX +37 218
>Morris: DEEGIKO 14M KOI +26 240
#note Ah, I missed likely my only opportunity ever to play GEEKDO(M). Epic fail.
>Ben_Schoenbrun: EQTUY 2E EQU.TY +46 264
#note Good equity play there.
>Morris: DEEEGLO 13L DOE +25 265
#note I was choosing between DOE and OGLED 1A. I thought the 2 extra points and taking of the triple spot were not worth the leave difference. Looking at it now, I think I was pretty wrong. It helps that the following happened on Benjy's next turn...
>Ben_Schoenbrun: ACCHO 1A COACH +50 314
#note Yup, I deserved that.
>Morris: EEGLNOT 15A GONE +28 293
>Morris: EEGLNOT -- -28 265
#note I did not intentionally phony here, though it is pretty slick. Mack Meller was playing one board over, and he said when he saw it, he had no idea if it was good or not.
>Ben_Schoenbrun: FLOW 15A WOLF +52 366
>Ben_Schoenbrun: FLOW -- -52 314
#note Benjy thought I might be unsure enough now to let that go.
>Morris: EEGLNOT 3J OGLE +15 280
#note Benjy's play really helped out my decision making, I was planning on playing EGO B13 before he phonied. Unfortunately, I missed all of the D column plays through the M like GOLE(M), GENO(M)E, GENO(M), and TELO(M)E. I am fine with this though, although it scores less it adds some much needed bingo lanes.
>Ben_Schoenbrun: EFLOW L1 FE.LOW +32 346
>Morris: DEINSTU N3 DUNITES +67 347
#note Lucky draw there.
>Ben_Schoenbrun: JU 8M J.U +30 376
>Morris: ABIRSTU 1L .UBS +27 374
#note I decided to run a few sims, all on many ply. The first is normal, the second assumes he has the blank, the third assumes he has the Z, the fourth assumes he has both. The previous turn, it is unlikely he had all 3 N's, because he probably would have played JUN 3C, and unlikely had both I's because of JIN in row 3. This play does pretty badly in all of the instances. My logic was that this scores, keeps a good leave, and blocks (F)IZz. However, I should have realized if he has Z?, I am pretty much sunk already if I don't bingo, so (F)UBS only really saves some spread, and really hurts my winning percent chances. Quackle suggests two playsr, BI B14, and B(O) 14B. I considered B(O), but thought if Benjy had the blank, I'm toast. I completely missed BI though, which is awesome since if he uses the blank as an A, he can't hit the triple no matter what, so he needs to sacrifice a lot of points! FUBS wins 12%, BI wins 52%. I did pretty well in this tournament playing the pre-endgames correctly, this was my biggest pre-endgame mess up.

>Ben_Schoenbrun: ?DGNNNZ C1 .DZiNG +32 408
#note 3C ZiN.
>Morris: AIIIRT 3C .ITI +30 404
#note I am really lucky to have gotten away with a tie for that pre-endgame.
>Ben_Schoenbrun: NN J2 ..N +9 417
>Morris: AIR F13 AIR +11 415
>Morris: (N) +2 417
Player 2
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