Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Mack_ Mack
#player2 Joel Joel
>Mack_: EEFINRU H7 FEU +12 12
#note Didn't spot FERINE, but this looks better anyways as it is much more defensive and keeps a better leave.
>Joel: ADINNPT 8B PINNAT.D +62 62
>Mack_: CCEINRW I3 WINCE. +23 35
#note Also thought about WICCAN, but felt this kept the board more open.
>Joel: MOO H1 MOO +20 82
>Mack_: CEHJLRR 4H R.CHER +31 66
#note Quackle likes JOWL by 3%. I dismissed it thinking the leave was too consonant heavy, but with an I and A floating perhaps it is correct.
>Joel: ?ADEIQS M1 QuE.IDAS +86 168
>Mack_: IJLRSTT C7 J.LT +20 86
#note As much as I hate closing down the board at this stage, I kind of have to do this as 2L JUT is too blockable with so many Es out.
>Joel: AT 1M .AT +36 204
>Mack_: EHIRSTY F1 HYSTERI. +74 160
>Joel: FKLNU 2A FLUNK. +32 236
>Mack_: ABIIORR L8 ORIBI +19 179
#note For some reason I didn't see this word at 5K. That definitely looks a bit better, as it scores more and keeps the board more volatile.
>Joel: GOX K8 GOX +26 262
>Mack_: AILNOOR D4 ONIO. +19 198
#note At this point matters are looking pretty bleak. NONIRON is a tad better, but given Joel's next rack my fate was sealed anyhow.
>Joel: ?DEILSW O1 .WIDdLES +89 351
>Mack_: AAILRRS A1 A.AR +24 222
>Joel: AENTU 10B A.TUNE +10 361
>Mack_: ABILORS 13F BAILORS +69 291
>Joel: AOZ 12F AZO +31 392
>Mack_: AEEGUVY 14D GUY +31 322
>Joel: DEEMPTV 15E TEMP +35 427
#note Misscored as 34.
>Mack_: AEEEGV B10 .GAVE +18 340
#note It isn't worth blocking DOVE, as D12 VEG followed by FEUD/ATTUNED will net Joel one more spread point than after AGAVE and DOVE.
>Joel: DEV J12 D.VE +16 443
#note Final score recorded as 446-340.
>Joel: (EE) +4 447
Player 2
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