Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Kevin_Bowerman Kevin Bowerman
#player2 Susan_Blanchard Susan Blanchard
>Kevin_Bowerman: EEHMNTZ 8G MEZE +30 30
>Susan_Blanchard: IVV J5 VIV. +12 12
>Kevin_Bowerman: DEGHNOT 7D GOTH +23 53
#note THONGED. Need to study.
>Susan_Blanchard: ENOW 5H WO.EN +22 34
>Kevin_Bowerman: CDELNSS E6 C.LDNESS +72 125
>Susan_Blanchard: A I8 .A +12 46
>Kevin_Bowerman: ABBENSY 4K BABY +30 155
>Susan_Blanchard: AFOR 3J FORA +30 76
>Kevin_Bowerman: AEINNRS 10G INSANER +71 226
>Susan_Blanchard: UX 11J XU +31 107
>Kevin_Bowerman: ?IKMRSU 13C MU.K +20 246
#note Wasn't absolutely 100% sure on MUSKIeR so I passed it up. KUM(Y)S and (MEZE)ReUMS are sick
>Susan_Blanchard: ACINOTT 4C TACTION +78 185
>Kevin_Bowerman: ?EINORS 12G ORIENtS +77 323
#note (MEZE)REONS lol
>Susan_Blanchard: Y G12 .Y +27 212
>Kevin_Bowerman: ?EEIOTU 6G OE +16 339
#note Wow, quackle actually likes this most.
>Susan_Blanchard: ITW M9 W.I.T +24 236
>Kevin_Bowerman: ?AEIITU -IIU +0 339
#note I like this over all the playing options. no way I'm doing E(T)UI with the Q still out
>Susan_Blanchard: EEFLRU 2F FUELER +32 268
>Kevin_Bowerman: ?ADEPRT 1H PAD +39 378
#note Missed PREAD(M)iT, although this is better.
>Susan_Blanchard: AQT 3B QAT +30 298
>Kevin_Bowerman: ?EHIORT 8A THIO. +31 409
>Susan_Blanchard: EEJ - +0 298
#note Challenged
>Kevin_Bowerman: ?ADEPRU B8 .UP +14 423
#note Missed 300 bingos
>Susan_Blanchard: EEJ 2M JEE +32 330
>Kevin_Bowerman: ?ADELOR A10 ORDEAL +31 454
#note (K)A is the sort of play I really need to get good enough to see here.
>Susan_Blanchard: ADGIIIL 1N AD +20 350
>Kevin_Bowerman: ?GR 6L GoR +10 464
>Kevin_Bowerman: (GIIIL) +12 476
Player 2
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