Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Gunther_Jacobi Gunther Jacobi
#player2 Mike_Baker Mike Baker
>Gunther_Jacobi: DDEHIUU H7 DUH +14 14
#note Q justifies HIDED, a play I don't think I ever could, but it's interesting to get glimpses of the way this machine thinks. My play, apparently .7 worse than HIDED, is .2 better than the best exchange of DHUUI, which I very much considered.
>Mike_Baker: KY 8G Y.K +10 10
>Gunther_Jacobi: ACDEIRU 9G A.I +21 35
#note I'm actually very surprised Q agrees with my play, apparently 4pts better (Y)UCA, a play I hadn't considered. I looked at (K)AURI, but that might give back a lot more than desired.
>Mike_Baker: AH 10F AH +16 26
>Gunther_Jacobi: CDEMNRU E10 DRUM +21 56
#note 11D CUM is Q's top. My play is second, 2.2 behind.
>Mike_Baker: ?AAEMRS J2 AMAzERS +73 99
#note There are seven valid bingos with this particular rack on this board, however AMAzERS isn't one of them. Something did smell fishy about this play I must admit, but I didn't even think to hold because I could see how one could be an 'amazer'. O, justifications.
>Gunther_Jacobi: BCDEGNS 12D B.NG +14 70
#note I had a hard time here. C(U)BED is apparently best, a play I missed. B(U)NGED I saw but was reluctant being that I'd be expending my only vowel. B(U)NG is 5.3 behind CUBED.
>Mike_Baker: AA 13D A.A +11 110
>Gunther_Jacobi: CDEISSV 14B VIDS +30 100
>Mike_Baker: AERTX K2 RETAX +43 153
>Gunther_Jacobi: ACCDEJS H12 SACE +30 130
#note Embarrassing, truly. I created a hybrid SICE that was held. This could've been quite costly if Mike challenged. I saw (ME)CCA, which is still better than my phony by 5pts. SCAD H12 is Q's top, then MECCA, then SACC(AT)E, a very cool play I probably would've played had it been seen.
>Mike_Baker: OOOOO -OOOOO +0 153
#note Lucky break here.
>Gunther_Jacobi: CEEFJLR 4F REFL..E +28 158
#note Q agrees and I'm kind of shocked. No J play stands out for more than 28pts, so I'm a bit forced to leave it at least until the next play. CLEF I1 1.1 worse than REFL(AT)E.
>Mike_Baker: EOTT 3C TOTE +10 163
#note This would score more at 10I.

>Gunther_Jacobi: ACEJNUW 4B JAW +38 196
>Mike_Baker: OZ 14H .OZ +34 197
>Gunther_Jacobi: CNNTUUV F2 V..TU +18 214
#note Nasty with a capital N. Only a couple playable choices before Q wants to start exchanging. My play is 7pts better than any alternative.
>Mike_Baker: BEL 5C BEL. +23 220
>Gunther_Jacobi: CEINNTU H1 ENU. +21 235
>Mike_Baker: IOOOQ -IOOOQ +0 220
#note Another lucky break here.
>Gunther_Jacobi: CFILNRT J10 FRIT. +25 260
#note Q prefers this by 2pts over FLIC 10I, the only other play I really considered. This is OK too because it makes the Y harder to access K14.
>Mike_Baker: EGOY 10J .OGEY +20 240
>Gunther_Jacobi: CILNOPP 9M POL +20 280
#note PLOP 1K is Q's top and that is absolutely nuts. Ain't happening...I'm going to muck everything from M9-O9 with help of one P, and save the other for K1 later.
>Mike_Baker: EEW O6 WEE. +21 261
>Gunther_Jacobi: CINNOPT 1K PINOT +39 319
#note PICOT for five more is less than a half point better.
>Mike_Baker: EGINR M9 ..ERING +20 281
>Gunther_Jacobi: CIILNNO C13 L.N +18 337
#note LO(G)IN and LO(G)IC were the plays I wanted and should've made, but I got stupidly paranoid and overprotected by making a very suboptimal play.
>Mike_Baker: ?DIOOQS 2A QIS +30 311
>Gunther_Jacobi: CIIINO N4 CION +17 354
>Mike_Baker: ?DOO 15K DO.gO +21 332
>Mike_Baker: (II) +4 336
Player 2
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