Player 1 |
#player1 Christopher_Walleck Christopher Walleck
#player2 George_Viebranz George Viebranz
>Christopher_Walleck: AERRZ 8D RAZER +30 30
#note Best placement.
>George_Viebranz: ?AADNTU 7G DAUNT +16 16
#note Missed a few here, a couple of which I supposedly know. UNABATED and ADUNCATE both play.
#note Also, an interesting director's call. Chris pulls his tiles and after a few seconds, says, "I hate my life." Figuring he wasn't referring to drawing crap tiles, I ask, "oh, did you overdraw?" He says yes and starts flipping his tiles down. I flip over an S, a T, and a blank. I say, "Oh, man... I hate your life too." And the blank goes back. He then realizes that he has only 6 tiles on his rack. He hadn't overdrawn. So he pulls a random tile from the bag to replenish his rack. I ask, "Did you take the blank back?" thinking that's what he should get. He said no and called the director(s), Dallas and Stock, who were playing each other at the time. Both of these guys are better directors than I'll probably ever be. We all agree that Chris should get his blank back.
>Christopher_Walleck: ?AFGST C6 FAG +24 54
#note I know you are, but what am I?
>George_Viebranz: ?ACHISY 9E HAY +40 56
#note I should have seen CHASTITY. If I had seen CLAYISH I might have tried it. I don't know HAYRICKS. Instead I found HAY, which is 40 (or 36 if I'm scoring) and a great leave.
>Christopher_Walleck: ?EST K6 E. +2 56
#note This kid's got moxie.
>George_Viebranz: ?CCINOS 5F CONCISe +76 132
#note I knew I was missing something sweet here. Chuck Armstrong turned me on to CC bingos when I first started playing, and he's right, there are some really fun ones. I wrote GNOCCIS* down, then I wrote GNOCCHIS* down to see which one looked better. Turns out the correct spelling of the pasta is GNOCCHI, but it doesn't take an S. Anyway, I kept looking. Turns out I only missed 2, neither of which I knew.
>Christopher_Walleck: ?EOT D4 TOE +11 67
>George_Viebranz: AEIQRTW H3 QI.T.. +16 148
#note What a boner. QI is so much better. I saw QINTAR before Chris played, and didn't take the time to look for anything better off of his play. Dammit, dammit, dammit.
>Christopher_Walleck: ?DEIOSS M2 DOSSIEr +77 144
#note Chris is a smart kid, but either he didn't know what CONCISE meant or he didn't think I did. Or maybe he was just challenging me to challenge.
>Christopher_Walleck: ?DEIOSS -- -77 67
>George_Viebranz: AAEMRWW L2 WAM. +16 164
#note One of the rare instances in which I get to be smarter than Quackle. I really like AWARE 8K but it gives him an easy bingo. I like WARM 4L but I'm sure he knows MISDOERS. Quackle likes WAW 4L, but I don't like it for obvious reasons. I think my play worked out alright.
>Christopher_Walleck: ?DEIOSS M1 SOD +19 86
>George_Viebranz: ADDEERW 1M .EW +18 182
>Christopher_Walleck: ?BEIJS C1 JIBE +28 114
>George_Viebranz: ADDERRX 10D RAX +67 249
#note Whenever I play an X bomb I feel like a lottery winner. Rich, yes, but despised by everyone who works for their money.
>Christopher_Walleck: ?EELSTV L7 SVELTEr +83 197
#note Fantastic play from a player at Chris' level.
>George_Viebranz: DDELNOR 8L .ELD +24 273
#note Missed END N1, and ENDED N1 for that matter.
>Christopher_Walleck: ABEFNOO 13E BAFOONE. +67 264
#note Or at least he USED to be polite.
>Christopher_Walleck: ABEFNOO -- -67 197
>George_Viebranz: DENNOPR 13J PO.N +10 283
#note I'd like to dedicate this play to the cast of Santa Is Coming All Over Town, the first adult film I ever saw at age 16. It was a while before I attempted to watch another one.
>Christopher_Walleck: ABEFNOO B2 BANE +27 224
#note OAF in the same place is a heavy hitter, and doesn't give anything up.
>George_Viebranz: DEGIINR A5 DINGIER +80 363
#note Bluehair moment. I have reason to be DERIDING myself.
>Christopher_Walleck: FO A2 OF +18 242
>George_Viebranz: AEIOOPU 1C .IAO +12 375
#note I thought the duck would like this one. Guess not. It says OPAQUE 3E. I wanted to leave the consonant.
>Christopher_Walleck: MOUV N3 OVUM +19 261
>George_Viebranz: EGOPUUY 11I POU.Y +20 395
#note another big whiff. Wish I had seen GUPPY J10.
>Christopher_Walleck: AEKNRRS 14E SNARKER +73 334
#note I held this for a while. There's almost no way I can lose this game even if this stays on. But I really don't like the word and spread is going to be important.
>Christopher_Walleck: AEKNRRS -- -73 261
>George_Viebranz: EGILLTU 10H LUG +19 414
#note I didn't notice that this would give Chris RANKERS...
>Christopher_Walleck: AEKNRRS O8 .ARKENS +13 274
#note Luckily, neither did he.
>George_Viebranz: EHIILTT B10 HEIL +30 444
#note The best play, finally.
>Christopher_Walleck: IR F1 .R +4 278
>George_Viebranz: ITT C12 TIT +12 456
#note TIT and PORN on the same board. Nobody ever accused me of being too classy.
>George_Viebranz: (I) +2 458