Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Dylan Dylan
#player2 Trev Trev
>Dylan: AAIMOST 8D TOMIA +16 16
#note Changing A simmed best.
>Trev: AEEKRRU 7F UKE +29 29
#note Best move
>Dylan: AADHOPS 6C ODAH +32 48
#note ODAH simmed best, even better than OPAH.
>Trev: AAEGIRR 9F ARRIAGE +80 109
>Dylan: AOPSVWZ 5C POZ +57 105
#note AVOW 8L simmed 1% better than POZ
>Trev: EEGIPQT 8L PIET +34 143
#note Best move
>Dylan: AAENSVW 10L WAVE +26 131
#note Best move
>Trev: EFGIQRT J8 F.QIR +37 180
#note Best move
>Dylan: ACENSSU 12H SU.ANCES +74 205
#note USANCES 13I simmed best. Didn't know it.
>Trev: EGLMNOT O12 .MOG +21 201
#note OMIT 11H sims best
>Dylan: ABBFGLT 4A BLAB +39 244
#note Best move
>Trev: ELNNOTU A4 .LUNT +21 222
#note BUNNET sims best
>Dylan: ?AFGJNT 11I G.F +27 271
#note JA N14 sims marginally better but I still prefer my move as it leaves 2 places for the J next turn.
>Trev: DENOOSV N1 NOSEDOV. +78 300
#note Best move
>Dylan: ?AHIJNT 1L JI.N +57 328
#note I saw and declined JACINTHE for 86. Quackle agrees. However, if I had known JACINTHS (best move) for 100 I would have played it and then Trevor would have played a 9-timer.
>Trev: ?DEEIOT 3G EpIDOTE. +70 370
#note Same word at 13C sims better
>Dylan: ?AEHOTY 13K YAH +43 371
#note 2nd best move. Missed CHAYOTE!
>Trev: ACEILRS 14E CLARIES +73 443
#note SCALIER & STOMIA at C8 sims better
>Dylan: ?DELNOT 2A DOLeNTE +70 441
#note DOLENTE gives me a 15% chance of winning. There are moves that give a 53% chance and they are not bonuses!
>Trev: EEINRWY 1D WEENY +60 503
#note RICY E12 sims best as it prevents my outplay and sets up WEENY from A15 for 36
>Dylan: IRTUX D8 .UTRIX +26 467
>Dylan: (IR) +4 471
Player 2
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