Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Chris_ Chris
#player2 George George
>Chris_: BDDHNOP 8G BOND +14 14
#note One more win and I start 4-0! I played and lost to George in club that Thursday night in a close game. I knew he played Collins also, so I was ready to challenge words that looked like confusions this game. BOND here sims best due to the PH synergy in the leave and PHON's bad defense.
>George: AELVV J3 VALVE. +21 21
>Chris_: DHPRSTY 9F HYP +30 44
#note Considered HARPY I4 to set up SHARPY and keep a more balanced leave. I can't decide if I like that better than this more straightforward play.
>George: BFILMRU 5D BRIMFU. +28 49
#note Huge lucky break here. George thought about BRIMFULL and chickened out on it. That would've been 110 and might have drawn a challenge from me too! Huge swing in the game here.
>Chris_: DDRRSTX F4 D.RT +7 51
#note Exch DDRX is the sane play, but I decide to make a dirty play and wait to shank him with my X later :P
>George: EFHIT H1 THIE. +36 85
>Chris_: ADOORSX G2 OX +39 90
>George: ?GILNNS 1H .aNLINGS +77 162
>George: ?GILNNS -- -77 85
#note Another very lucky break. George misses NESTLING/SOX and plays a Collins-only word. Very easy challenge for me :)
>Chris_: AADEORS K4 AS +36 126
#note Here I miss SEABOARD D2, which is just not excusable, and top it off by playing a phony myself. He held it but let it go in the end, luckily :)
>George: ?GILNNS 4J ..L +6 91
#note He misses NESTLING again and fishes into SINNG?. Clearly, he was on tilt here. Finally, tilt actually helps me in a game hehe
>Chris_: ADEFGOR 1D GRAF.ED +27 153
#note I considered OF F1 for the pure equity, but I wanted to block the x3 lane after his fish in case he drew something there. This also digs for S's and the remainiing blank, since GRADE as a leave isn't super useful on this board. I like GRAFTED.
>George: ?GINNSU 10H SUNnING +68 159
#note GUNNIES B10 is 82, lots of other stuff is more than this
>Chris_: AALOPQW 7F .AW +25 178
#note WATAP D7 sims closely with TAW, but the A8 spot isn't great to give up here on a board with few scoring spots.
>George: AIJO 2A JIAO +25 184
>Chris_: ACLOPQR 4A COLA +26 204
#note The sim likes dumping the QI right now at B1 for 11 and going with the ALCORP leave. That bingoes through the right side with AEHT draws assuming they aren't blocked, and of course shedding the Q now has considerable value on this board. I think I do agree with the sim here.
>George: OOZ 6B ZOO +37 221
>Chris_: AEPQRTY 7A RAY +30 234
#note Didn't want to put the P at A7 because i figured it would lead to higher scoring x3 plays for him, and also that PQ works together if i draw a U well. PAY is leading the sim though, and QI B1 is still a decent option here.
>George: EKLT M9 K.ELT +28 249
>Chris_: AENPQST B1 Q. +11 245
#note There goes the Q finally! :P
>George: EIM A7 .IME +18 267
>Chris_: AEOPSTT B10 TO +8 253
#note Considered PLOT l12, which is simming best, but decided that TO B10 blocked the immediate scoring spot and led to a more open lower part of the board long-term, facilitating my eventual comeback with a bingo there. It's simming 6th 7% back, but I kinda like it still.
>George: AEINNOU F9 .UE +8 275
#note This looks like a fish combined with a block of the 12 line opened by TO
>Chris_: EINPSTT 11E P.T +10 263
#note The sim is liking PET at B12, I guess because this doesn't really open any new lanes and is easier to block despite keeping the optimal leave.
>George: DEIN 12F DINE +16 291
#note Now the bottom is completely shut down. Luckily, I'm not too far behind and can likely attempt to outscore. However...
>Chris_: ?EINSTU M1 NUTSIEr +66 329
#note I draw the blank hehe :) I saw SUNNIEST K8, but keeping the board closed is suddenly to my advantage, so I sacced the 4 extra points.
>George: EW 1M .EW +18 309
>Chris_: CEGIOS 12L C.OG +18 347
>George: AEEINRR O11 A.REE +18 327
#note -16 TO RERIG N6?
>Chris_: AEIS K8 SI.E +14 361
#note -1 to SEA/SAE 11I
>George: INR 12B RIN +9 336
#note -2 to RIN K12
>George: (A) +2 338
#note I got super lucky both at the beginning with the challenges/phonies all working in my favour and at the end with drawing that blank. Scrappy game, but not one played particularly well at all by either player. I took it, though, since it meant I was 4-0 going into the lunch break!
Player 2
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