Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Mack_ Mack
#player2 Jan Jan
>Mack_: AAEEIOO -AAEIOO +0 0
#note I had some group of 7 vowels here and kept an E.
>Jan: AAN 8F ANA +6 6
>Mack_: EJLRSTW H7 J.W +13 13
#note Not sure which JAW is better here. This one sets up an easier-to-hit S hook, but the other blocks the ANA front hooks that I don't possess. In hindsight I think I kind of like the other JAW, since I already have an S hook in ANAS and it minimizes Jan's bingo percentage, which is important since she probably kept a good leave with ANA.
>Jan: ABNW F6 BW.NA +18 24
>Mack_: ELRSSTT 10E L.TS +18 31
>Jan: EEF D10 FEE +20 44
>Mack_: EIORRST 13A RIOTERS +73 104
#note I felt this gave back less than ROISTER since it places an R instead of an E next to F14.
>Jan: CDEINY A8 CINDE.Y +42 86
>Mack_: DEEIOSV I3 VIDEO +24 128
>Jan: CHIU 14G HUIC +20 106
>Mack_: EEINSSX 15C EXINES +75 203
#note This spot seemed easier for Jan to score big with than J6, so I opted to play EXINES over EX or EXES at J5. Quackle agrees in a short sim.
>Jan: GUV J7 GUV +18 124
>Mack_: ADORSTU 4F AUD.TORS +72 275
>Jan: AKO 3L OAK +20 144
>Mack_: AAEEEIN 9E A.E. +14 289
#note Wasn't sure whether to play through or exchange here, but 14 points seems barely worth it. This barely edges out the best exchange in a sim.
>Jan: IP 5I .IP +22 166
>Mack_: ABEEIMT 3C BEMA +18 307
#note No clear standout play here -- this, 3B AMBIT, 2J BEMA, and 3C IAMB all seem fairly equal.
>Jan: ?ADILPR D1 PR.DIALs +76 242
>Jan: ?ADILPR -- -76 166
#note Interesting choice here. I know PREDIALs* is invalid, and see that Jan has O2 PyRALID available. I currently have no bingos available, but PREDIALs* gives me plays along row 1 (no triple triples though). In hindsight, I think I actually regret challenging this off since the bag will be significantly depleted after both of us bingo, which is to my advantage since I am up 140. And, while it seems unlikely that Jan will see PyRALID, I can't know for sure and, should I not pull a bingo after my next play of OE, I could be in trouble if Jan somehow bingoed again. Letting this stay and bingoing myself minimizes the variance, which is good for me here.
>Mack_: ?EEIORT B10 OE +11 318
#note Didn't see REXINES, and thus missed TIER, which probably scores enough to be worth it over OE.
>Jan: ?ADILPR 11D .L +10 176
#note Luckily for me, Jan overlooks PyRALID (she mentioned after the game that she didn't know it).
>Mack_: ?EHIORT O3 sHORTIE +96 414
>Jan: ?ADIPRY D1 PR.Y +24 200
>Mack_: MNOOQTT 1D .OTTO +21 435
#note Despite the ugly leave, I have to block the P since it is the only possible way I could lose.
>Jan: ?AADINR N9 RADIANt +70 270
>Mack_: GLMNQUZ 12L QU.Z +64 499
>Jan: EFGIL 2J FIG +19 289
#note Scored as 18.
>Mack_: GLMN M12 .M +16 515
>Jan: EL N1 EL. +14 303
#note Final score 515-312.
>Jan: (GLN) +8 311
Player 2
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