Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Mack_ Mack
#player2 Matt Matt
>Mack_: ENOORST 8D ENROOTS +66 66
#note This placement looks good, as the tiles slotted in the E and H columns are not particularly easy to bingo through.
>Matt: ACHIMOR E3 HARMO.IC +80 80
>Mack_: ABDEFIO 11E ABIDE +48 114
#note I chose this play over the other alternatives since it keeps the OF for D4 next turn. Quackle likes OBIA by quite a bit, but the H column hotspot is probably too dangerous especially after Matt just picked up 7 random tiles and may very well have a high point tile.
>Matt: ADL 12E LAD +28 108
#note Interestingly, HARMONICAL* is not a word. I had no way of knowing, and it sounded plausible, so I definitely didn't want to challenge especially with FEZ available.
>Mack_: EFGHOWZ D2 FEZ +57 171
>Matt: EPR C1 REP +31 139
>Mack_: AEGHOTW D12 GOTH +36 207
#note I chose this over 7G WHEAT to avoid giving back the J6 hotspot, but missed 10E CAHOW, which is clearly best and wins the sim comfortably by 4%.
>Matt: AINRSTV 6B VAR.INTS +73 212
>Mack_: AAELNSW H11 .EWAN +38 245
>Matt: DOY 15A YOD. +33 245
>Mack_: ?AAEELS B4 SA.EAbLE +62 307
#note Surprisingly, the only playable bingo. Quackle actually thinks I should forgo it and play 14A ALATE, but I think I prefer bingoing while I can and digging into the bag more.
>Matt: AILRU A1 URIAL +23 268
>Mack_: ACEFIUX H1 FAUCE. +42 349
#note I could also play 9G XI keeping FAUCET for next turn, but Matt can't possibly block all my X spots and may very well play to the T in VARMINTS next turn, so I elected to play FAUCET now.
>Matt: OY A7 OY +32 300
>Mack_: EEIMOUX 14B MO.E +23 372
#note I liked this play since it blocked the J hotspot and kept 9G XI for next turn, but didn't see 14G EAUX which may be better for defensive purposes. EAUX wins the sim by roughly 3%.
>Matt: DIJN J11 DJIN +24 324
>Mack_: EGILSUX 12J .EUX +36 408
#note Chose this over 9G XI to unload the U and set up my I, but Matt is quite likely to have an I so XI may be a tad better. XI wins the sim by around 1.5%.
>Matt: INTT 13L TINT +28 352
>Mack_: EGILQRS 3G Q.IRE +25 433
#note At this point, I can only lose if Matt bingos. While GRISTLE or REGILT minimize his bingo percentage, they will almost definitely lose to a bingo unless I draw the U. Except for triple triples, most bingos will still lose after QUIRE since I will be up a tempo with a roughly equal score. All three plays sim very close, with QUIRE just edging out the other two.
>Matt: IVW K1 VI.W +10 362
>Mack_: BGILOPS L3 SOP +35 468
>Matt: ?EGKNTU 15J NUKE +26 388
>Mack_: BGIL M4 GIB +17 485
#note Scored as 16.
>Matt: ?GT 5K s..T +30 418
>Mack_: L 14G L. +2 487
#note -7 to MOTEL, but I only had a few seconds left and had to slap something down before going over. Final score 490-418.
>Mack_: (G) +4 491
Player 2
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