Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Marlon_Prudencio Marlon Prudencio
#player2 Nigel_Richards Nigel Richards
>Marlon_Prudencio: DKNNOQW 8D KNOWN +34 34
>Nigel_Richards: EELNPRT F4 PETR.NEL +64 64
>Marlon_Prudencio: DDEIOQV E10 DEVOID +29 63
#note Qi is probably better then devoid. You really dont want that Q sticking around on your rack for too long
>Nigel_Richards: CEIMNUX 14B UNM.X +60 124
>Marlon_Prudencio: AABIJMQ 5B JAMB. +32 95
>Nigel_Richards: CEEEIOS 15E .IOCESE +39 163
>Marlon_Prudencio: AAIILQT J10 TALAQ. +37 132
#note Not playing Qi on T2 causing a lot of problems for Marlon moving on into the game
>Nigel_Richards: AAEGLST K5 ALGATES +88 251
>Marlon_Prudencio: EEFGIIP G3 FIE +31 163
>Nigel_Richards: AAENRSU H1 UREAS +47 298
>Marlon_Prudencio: AEGIIIP C11 PII.G +16 179
>Nigel_Richards: ABDEGNY 6B ABY +32 330
#note Keeping the G for gaby next turn. No other tiles remain except the blanks to hook here
>Marlon_Prudencio: AEIIIOU -AIIIOU +0 179
>Nigel_Richards: DEGLNNU A6 GULDEN +34 364

>Marlon_Prudencio: DEHRRTW I1 HEW +33 212
#note This is just so unlucky, change 6 vowels get 6 consonents.

And not even mentioning that Marlon did not pull either blank
>Nigel_Richards: ??FNORT 2H ..FRONT +36 400
#note Oh look, the blanks! I know all too well how that feels :/
>Marlon_Prudencio: CDIRRTY 8K .CIDY +42 254
>Nigel_Richards: ??AAIOS M1 A.AbIOs.S +66 466
>Marlon_Prudencio: EEORRTZ N2 .RET +9 263
>Nigel_Richards: HIOOTUV L10 THOU +23 489
#note B8 OOH!
>Marlon_Prudencio: EIORRZ I11 REZ +52 315
>Nigel_Richards: IOV 9A .IVO +18 507
>Nigel_Richards: (IOR) +6 513
Player 2
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