Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Noah Noah
#player2 Chris_Williams Chris Williams
>Noah: ?DFINOO 8G FOOD +16 16
>Chris_Williams: AGPY 9F GAPY +34 34
>Noah: ?IIIKNT 7I TIKI +19 35
#note KID is also available here. IINT? looked inflexible on this board compared to IN?, and I didn't think his comebacks were that much worse after TIKI, so I chose it. According to a sim, his avg. score after TIKI is around 5 more than after KID and mine is around 2.5 more. Food for thought.
>Chris_Williams: BMOZ L3 ZOMB. +36 70
>Noah: ?CINRRR 6L .RR +7 42
#note I can also do (Z)INC here. Wading through RRR? isn't going to be fun though. He is going to have a ZOMBI hook most of the time, though he will have a decent number of racks without a four-letter E word. I can always play ZINC next turn though, and this pays big dividends if it works out, which is good since I'm behind. I think I'm still happy with BRR.
>Chris_Williams: AEFGOSU 3I GAU.E +34 104
#note Actual rack -- Chris bemoaned not playing SOFA after the game, which is a good play against my BRR.
>Noah: ?CINORR O4 CORNIeR +89 131
>Chris_Williams: FGLOS 10D FLOG +22 126
>Noah: ?EEEIIT 8G ....IE +37 168
>Chris_Williams: AJS 5J JA. +24 150
>Noah: ?EEEEIT D10 .EE +12 180
>Chris_Williams: AQST 13B QAT +31 181
>Noah: ?EEILTV 14A VIE +36 216
>Chris_Williams: DEST K7 ..TED +20 201
>Noah: ?EELNST M8 STELENe +75 291
>Chris_Williams: ACDDENS 14G ASCEND.D +76 277
>Noah: IIMNSTX 15G XI +42 333
>Chris_Williams: HI J10 HI +29 306
>Noah: ILMNRST 12C M.RLIN +14 347
#note I thought it was important to block bingos through the E here, but that's not the top priority at all. I think I got lulled into a false sense of security by my early lead; scoring plays at L12, in the worst case WADY/BODY/YODH, put Chris right back in the game, while 12C bingos are very rare, and he can still bingo elsewhere. I should make a 12L play. Quackle should be able to tiebreak between those plays very well, and it suggests MERL is best, so MERL it is.
>Chris_Williams: UW L12 WU. +26 332
>Noah: EOSTUVY 15N OY +18 365
#note Very unsure of whether to exchange here. This leave isn't very good, but it seemed like keeping up on scoring was important here, and I'm not scoring well with anything I draw into either. UV is sure awful though -- thoughts?
>Chris_Williams: AHN 2H NAH +30 362
>Noah: EIOSTUV 1C OUTVIES +93 458
>Chris_Williams: AELNRTW E1 .RAWLNET +72 434
>Noah: ABEOPSU 4A UPBO.S +28 486
>Chris_Williams: A C3 A. +8 442
>Chris_Williams: (AE) +4 446
Player 2
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