Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Trevor_Halsall Trevor Halsall
#player2 Peter_Kougi Peter Kougi
>Trevor_Halsall: EEINP 8D PENIE +20 20
>Peter_Kougi: DEJORST 7C JOT +24 24
>Trevor_Halsall: AEGV F6 GA.EV +32 52
>Peter_Kougi: CDEIORS 11F SCODIER +80 104
>Trevor_Halsall: OORY 6F .OORY +17 69
>Peter_Kougi: ABDEELN 5I ENABLED +77 181
>Trevor_Halsall: ABEINRS O1 BRAN.IES +158 227
>Peter_Kougi: IIRSSTY M3 SI.TY +24 205
>Trevor_Halsall: EFRT H11 .FTER +36 263
>Peter_Kougi: AILNNRS 4M .N. +5 210
>Trevor_Halsall: OX 10I OX +53 316
>Peter_Kougi: AEILNRS 15A SNARLIE. +77 287
>Trevor_Halsall: AGM 4I GAM +20 336
>Peter_Kougi: ?IINOOZ L9 ZO.I +26 313
>Trevor_Halsall: AGW 3H GAW +24 360
>Peter_Kougi: ?EINOTU A8 OUTlINE. +74 387
>Trevor_Halsall: HIK L1 KHI +17 377
>Peter_Kougi: AAEIOTU N7 AUTO +14 401
>Trevor_Halsall: ACHL 1H CHAL. +42 419
>Peter_Kougi: ADEFIRU O10 FADIER +41 442
#note Best
>Trevor_Halsall: ?DLPQTW F14 Q. +31 450
>Peter_Kougi: EMUUV C13 UV. +12 454
#note UVEA here is the only win. Can't believe I blew this. Was under time pressure but still... pfft
>Trevor_Halsall: ?DLPTW 13J WiLD +28 478
>Peter_Kougi: EMU 11A .UME +5 459
>Peter_Kougi: EMU -- -5 454
>Trevor_Halsall: PT I9 P.. +9 487
>Peter_Kougi: EMU N14 ME +18 472
>Trevor_Halsall: T G8 .T +6 493
>Trevor_Halsall: (U) +2 495
Player 2
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