Player 1 |
#player1 Josh Josh
#player2 Emanuel Emanuel
>Josh: ERRTTUW H7 WERT +14 14
#note Game one of the club tournament. It's me, Emanuel, Jason and Michael Fagen in one division.
If I had a do-over I might sacrifice 14 points to just not keep this U. Exchanging RTUW is actually simming really close to WERT! U's are just so bad, especially with one-pointers... One good thing about this play is that I know that it doesn't take an S and perhaps Emanuel doesn't.
>Emanuel: EE 7G E.E +8 8
>Josh: ILLNRTU -ULL +0 14
#note I just completely forgot about TRULL this turn, and therefore missed J6. I really wasn't thinking straight. I knew how close he was to a bingo and so I was trying to maximize my bingo% for next turn. Instead, TRULL kills a ton of bingo opportunities for Emanuel. It's clearly a better play. I was really mad after I realized what I had just done.
>Emanuel: DEILNST 8H .NLISTED +82 90
#note This still would have played after TRULL but for far less.
>Josh: EEFINRT L2 FERNIE.T +72 86
>Emanuel: AHP M1 PAH +31 121
#note It took Emanuel over 3 minutes to play this. I imagined he had drawn a blank or otherwise had a very good rack.
>Josh: CDILSUY 1M .LY +24 110
#note I missed LUCIDLY as a 7 here. It plays at J8 for 27 points. I think I should play it over PLY because although CDISU is probably a slightly better leave on this board than just S, it can also prevent me from scoring if I draw into nothing.
>Emanuel: OX K5 OX +31 152
#note This turn took just about as long as the last one. Something has got to be up. I was really hoping that Emanuel would either not play there or but an A at K5.
>Josh: CDIOSTU 10F CU. +11 121
#note Because he blocked DISCOU(N)T and didn't give me CUSTODI(AN)!
But what do I do here now? I considered U(R)D 9G 13 and CU(T) 10F 11, both setting up tiles. If Emanuel doesn't have an S, CU(T) is clearly better than U(R)D because he can't block the setup very well. But I don't really know what to make of Emanuel's two last plays. I would imagine he has a blank in hand but he's taken that much time for less. U(R)D sets up the C, the T and the S, as well as a B and an N that I don't have. The setup doesn't grant a good bingo lane as CU(T) does, and keeps the board less open for a comeback, I would think. This is why I chose CU(T). It makes it more likely that the board will stay open, which it would seem I need. I missed another good play that unfortunately doesn't really interfere with Emanuel's next play as the other two options might, O(XI)DIC at 6J. It scores well and STU isn't that bad. Another option I see is OUD G9, which also sets up my S. I don't like keeping only 4 points on my rack if it's going to be IOST so I prefer my play or U(R)D.
>Emanuel: EG I6 G..E +9 161
>Josh: DEIOOST E9 OSTEOID +72 193
#note At first I thought that the 6A placement of OSTEOID would give less back but then I realized that that's probably not even true, so I opted for this placement because it scored more anyways. Both options seem to leave the board wide open.
>Emanuel: CEIKRST 13C ST.CKIER +90 251
#note held and released.
>Josh: AABGILW J2 BLAW +21 214
#note I was really unhappy at this point, both at how I seemed to be performing and also at how much I was being dominated by Emanuel. This rack gave me a huge headache but I completely missed what seems obvious now, 12I BAWL. I even laid BLAW down at 12H and realized LE wasn't a word. I then quickly just switched to BLAW at J2 and hit my clock. I had been taking way too long this turn and I was starting to get annoyed. I was also wrong about Emanuel having the blank and that bothered me as well. This is a rather large mistake, my second this game after missing TRULL. And it's going to sting this time.
>Emanuel: BEJ H12 J.BE +63 314
#note BAWL and even WAIL in the same spot are so much better than my play.
>Josh: AGINOPQ 15A PAGO. +30 244
#note Not happy about drawing the Q, but there are three U's out so I have a chance still if I play PAGO(D). I don't want to take out a lane so QI at 14B seemed ridiculous to me. I think it's much more important for me to score with this and hope for the best. I can't just be thinking one turn in advance here, which would prompt me to just play QA(T). I would venture and say that exchanging is better in the long run than playing off the Q as I am not shutting anything down.
>Emanuel: HO 14A OH +24 338
#note If Emanuel had an A here HA at B14 is much better than this.
>Josh: FIINOQY 6E FOY +16 260
#note This was usually going to happen but man oh man was I annoyed here. I have to waste a turn to set up my Q. But INFO is much better than FOY because Emanuel is far likelier to overlap FOY than he is INFO. Another rather large mistake, I imagine. What's worse is that my Q fell off my rack and I thought Emanuel might have seen it...
>Emanuel: ?ALMORV N7 R.MOVALs +78 416
#note and if he in fact saw my Q (he didn't), 4D VOLAR is a great play.
>Josh: ?AIIINQ 5D QI +32 292
#note The blank I just drew is just icing on the cake of annoyedness.
>Emanuel: AOT I11 TO.A +17 433
>Josh: ?AIINUV 3C INVIsUA. +72 364
>Josh: ?AIINUV -- -72 292
#note I have to bingo here so I chose the most plausible word. If it's valid I still have a tiny chance. Best real play would seem to be 12K AVI(A)N
>Emanuel: AZ J10 ZA +33 466
#note Not sure if ZA at M12 is better or not. Given the rack knowledge he has I would think it is. He probably just missed it...
>Josh: ?AIINUV -AIIUV +0 292
#note Still AVI(A)N I guess but I wanted him to feel the pain I was experiencing
>Emanuel: R E4 R.. +6 472
>Josh: ?GINNRU C6 RUnNING. +60 352
>Emanuel: I 12C .I. +12 484
>Josh: AADEIMV K10 AVE +35 387
#note Champ's choice. Keeping MAID O12 for next turn, I imagined Emanuel had more points at K10 than at O12 and that he would sacrifice a lot to block at O12. He was low enough on time that I thought I had a lot of points at my disposition here. I'm surprised I didn't draw UU!
>Emanuel: AEINNSU O8 .EN +10 494
#note O12 SAIN. I confused my own accurate tracking and had him with ANISE to go out next turn at B2.
>Josh: ADDIMU O12 MAID +40 427
#note Turns out he was trying to set up SA(T)IN at M6, in vain. Time trouble cost him
>Emanuel: AINSU M6 SA. +18 512
#note but he still had SA(T)I, a word he didn't know/remember.
>Josh: DU 8A DU. +9 436
>Josh: (INU) +6 442
#note So this whole endgame cost Emanuel 26 spread. That's less than the amount of points I lost in theory by making bad plays all game long.