Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Peter_Kougi Peter Kougi
#player2 Heather_Long Heather Long
>Peter_Kougi: AEILSTT -IT +0 0
>Heather_Long: AABRV H4 BRAVA +26 26
>Peter_Kougi: AELRSTY I8 RAYLETS +64 64
#note BRAVA takes S
>Heather_Long: DOPT 12H D.POT +20 46
>Peter_Kougi: ?HIORUY 13K YOU +19 83
>Heather_Long: GU 11I .UG +26 72
>Peter_Kougi: ?EFHIRR J14 HI +26 109
>Heather_Long: EVX J7 VEX +25 97
>Peter_Kougi: ?DEFLRR 6F FR. +14 123
>Heather_Long: ITZ 5H .ITZ +26 123
>Peter_Kougi: ?DEELQR -LQ +0 123
>Heather_Long: EFIW G8 WIFE +18 141
>Peter_Kougi: ?DEEORU 4C REDOU.lE +73 196
>Heather_Long: GNOP F9 PONG +22 163
>Peter_Kougi: ADIIIOS 13C AIDOI +22 218
>Heather_Long: OW E10 WO +25 188
>Peter_Kougi: AAEIKST C3 T.AIK +28 246
>Heather_Long: IO 5E IO +16 204
>Peter_Kougi: ADEELMS H14 AM +18 264
>Heather_Long: AELNRTU 3J NU +5 209
>Peter_Kougi: ADEELMS 12C EM +18 282
>Heather_Long: EN L3 NE +7 216
>Peter_Kougi: ABDEELS N7 BEADLES +71 353
>Heather_Long: AELNRST O3 ANTLERS +86 302
>Peter_Kougi: EIJLORT B10 JOR +31 384
#note Sims best
>Heather_Long: HN 6B H.N +14 316
>Peter_Kougi: CEGILQT A3 CLIT +14 398
#note Technically no win. GELT is better as that gives me QI/GIT. Was overtime and quite flustered.
>Heather_Long: ?ACEINS A12 CAIN +38 354
>Peter_Kougi: EGQ F3 G... +8 406
>Heather_Long: ?ES 8A EnS +16 370
>Heather_Long: (EQ) +22 392
Player 2
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