Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Jesse_Day Jesse Day
#player2 Steve_Oliger Steve Oliger
>Jesse_Day: ACOQRTU 8D QUARTO +50 50
#note I'm not even sure I consider QUOTA, but quackle likes my play better anyway. QUOTA is evidently more defensive but also leads me to score less. Maybe if I'd remembered NONQUOTA I would've played QUOTA to set that up and hope he didn't see it. Why is QUARTO better, anyway? Too many Rs left to pick up?
>Steve_Oliger: EGILM 9B GLIME +26 26
>Jesse_Day: CEEFLNT E4 CENT.. +20 70
#note I'm not sure that I had a particularly good explanation for my play except that it felt right - or rather, I didn't like the idea of playing at 9I and giving him back a ton of plays. I would much rather score a little, give nothing back and wait for him to give me a spot to cash in on. However, quackle likes FUMET much better, which does the same thing but leaves a better leave.
>Steve_Oliger: AAITUXY -AAIT +0 26
>Jesse_Day: EFLNRVY 9I FERNY +28 98
#note didn't see FLYOVER, which looks pretty good. Again, I wanted to play FENNY through the N rather than FERNY across, but somehow I tricked myself. They're about the same in the sim, but with steve I would much rather make him work to open the board.
>Steve_Oliger: ?DEINOT K5 cENT.OID +82 108
#note it's not like I'm going to stop him bingoing, but this is why I wish I'd played FENNY. Actually, FLYOVER would've given this back to him too.
>Jesse_Day: AABDLTV 8M BAD +25 123
#note grr! I know TABLA is a word in real life (it's those cool drums they use in middle eastern music) but I couldn't convince myself that they'd added both DOBRO and TABLA with the update. BAD actually does just fine because DTV after TABLA is pretty bad without many vowels to play through.
>Steve_Oliger: EFGGPRS -EFGGP +0 108
>Jesse_Day: AGLRTVZ 6G GLAZ.R +36 159
#note I played the R just because I didn't like where RTV was headed, but quackle likes glaze just as much.
>Steve_Oliger: CEILMOS 12G MELO.ICS +78 186
>Steve_Oliger: CEILMOS -- -78 108
#note took me a while to decide, and it kind of made sense, but I guess I figured I would've seen it by now.
>Jesse_Day: AEIRTTV 12H TAR.IVE +24 183
#note wow. Looking at this one now TRACTIVE jumps out at me INSTANTLY. maybe because it just came out in cardbox again. Seriously, no excuse for that one...koenig played it in some game he posted before nationals, and of course I go and miss it X( my play was going to be TRAVEL, but that allows CAMISOLE, and the other plays I had considered also gave too much back - although I discarded VATIC at the time, but it sure looks better than my play now. I suppose I played it for turnover at the tiles that I knew were hiding in the bag. TRACTIVE pretty much would have sealed the game.
>Steve_Oliger: CEILMOS M2 COMES +35 143
>Jesse_Day: AEHIKRT 2J KET.H +48 231
>Steve_Oliger: EIW M12 .IEW +20 163
>Jesse_Day: AADIIRS 4L A.ID +18 249
#note the best play here is definitely GARDAI at G6, which blocks the friendlest lane on the board, scores some and leaves a decent leave. I wasn't 100% on GLIMED, though, not that I saw it.
>Steve_Oliger: ELOV 15K VO.EL +36 199
>Jesse_Day: AAEINRS 4B SAR.INAE +72 321
#note drawing a hold but no challenge.
>Steve_Oliger: BJU H1 JUB. +39 238
>Jesse_Day: ?EHIOOX 13H OX +36 357
>Steve_Oliger: FU H12 ..FU +21 259
#note I'm not sure what his rack was, but he would probably have been better served making FOX and something down to keep me from shutting the board down entirely.
>Jesse_Day: ?EHIIOW B6 WEI.H +28 385
#note maybe I was too over the top with shutting down the board here - WIFE is a fair bit better because the H could come in handy. but it doesn't matter too much
>Steve_Oliger: APRS A5 RAPS +33 292
>Jesse_Day: ?DGIIOS G13 GO +23 408
#note taking away the last semi-bingo line, perhaps unnecessarily, but also playing at one of the best spots on the board.
>Steve_Oliger: PY 14L Y.P +29 321
>Jesse_Day: ?ADIINS C3 N.IAD +30 438
#note yay, I made the right endgame play!
>Steve_Oliger: ELNOOTU 11I TO.L +18 339
>Jesse_Day: ?IS 10A t.IS +20 458
#note I totally know CENTUM takes the S, I just failed to take that into account for this move.
>Jesse_Day: (ENOU) +8 466
#note Despite the fact that my equity number was a lot higher, this game is really pretty much like the rest I played besides the nuclear holocaust against Carl Johnson - no really big misses, but a lot of smaller ones where I either failed to think through all the opportunities or simply chose the wrong one by using inaccurate reasoning. Here for good measure I missed an easy bingo for no reason when it really mattered. Hopefully in the rest of the games I'll start thinking a little bit harder...
Player 2
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