Game Details
Player 1
#player1 George George
#player2 James James
>George: AEEKMRY 8D TWIRL +18 18
>James: ADNOPTU E8 .OUND +18 18
#note PUTDOWN E3 or UPTOWN E4 were not seen (I missed them). They score better, but at least WOUND sets up the P for next turn for play on F10.
>George: AEEKMOY 12E .ULY +12 30
>James: AEHNPTT F10 HA.NT +33 51
#note TYTHE H11 is a good idea (and something I missed). HAUT F10 is also worth considering, since it doesn't open the triple. DULY does indicate that George likely held good tiles, or he would have exchanged instead of play DULY for 12.

If an estimate of George having a few good tiles (like ES) is added, Quackle favours HAUT is slightly more favored than before (it was slightly below HAUNT without adding the inference of ES, and now is above). Probably not a bad thing to have played HAUT or even HAUTE, then, as even that outperforms HAUNT. But TYTHE still is favored over everything, and it figures (the P is still kept for an okay spot and ANP isn't a bad leave to draw for bingos, anyway).
>George: ?EEHIRS 15D RESHInE +89 119
#note Beats me why HEISTER or HEIRESS weren't played. Both don't give the same playback off J14 that this does.
>James: EEENOPT 14J POTEEN +38 89
#note Though this leaves an N in the open lane, it outscores everything else by 12+ points. TOPEE 14H is not bad at 26 except it leaves the 15L opening, which I think will usually get about as much counter-play risk as the open N. George just played a bingo so I don't think I am that susceptible to a favorable trip-trip draw on his part.
>George: ?DEIINS I2 INSIDEs +67 186
#note George missed SaNIDINE, or INDIgENS to 3-3. He also forgot to get one more point switching around the Ss.
>James: CEEKORU O12 KE.O +39 128
#note Forgot about KUNE.
>George: AABGGSV H1 ABO +21 207
>James: ACERRUU 12L RUC. +20 148
#note Missing KUNE hurt a little more than usual - no COURIER 5E for 36. Nothing stands out as great, but RUCK is probably better than URBIA 2F (no scoring, and I can't actually even start any words to either triple that's opened) or CURARE M9 (that actually does George's job for him, by blocking up the bottom right corner - at least RUCK leaves an open R and C, as well as creates a hook for a T). CUR G3 may be worth considering (but it blocks the I and D slightly which isn't as good a tradeoff as I was hoping for), or exchange RUU.
>George: AACGGSV G2 OWE +25 232
>James: AEOPRUV 6B VAPOURE. +74 222
>George: AACGGSV 11K JAM +30 262
>James: EGISTVX 10L VEXT +41 263
#note Tricky play, but I think VEX 10L is significantly better than my play now. I have the T to set up, I tie George, and I have a decent rack for bingos. I was a little worried about George having the T to play off there but I already have the letter, and his odds of having one are less than 50% (there's two out there, out of 35 tiles I don't see, seven in his hand).
>George: ACGGOQS 5C MOG +26 288
>James: BGIILNS O6 BINI. +21 284
#note SIBLING doesn't play, and nothing screams great play at ths point. Interestingly, SIBLING 4I is up there, as is BIMA C3. I think SIBLING just increases the volatility, which is not bad since it's his turn and he's likely to play off 4A at the least with my play. BIMA gives a decent leave, but I couldn't think of any great plays after it, especially in trying to save up for a bingo off the V. Sadly, if he'd had BOG and I the M, I'd have had MOBILISING F2! And I saw that. (I also saw BILGINESS 4A, which he would have challenged off, so I guess I was blessed too).

SIBLING, BIMA and BEMUSE M9 are all favored over BINIT by good margins. BEMUSE is not a bad idea, because the S is fairly useless on this board. The open lanes created by SIBLING also help favor an S (for bingos), if slightly.
>George: AACGOQS 4B ZAS +39 327
>James: AGLORST J1 RATO +23 307
#note This was a hard hand. I have to keep scoring but I don't know what the best play here is. Quackle likes GAT J1 best, which does leave a decent rack (LORS), particularly since it's pretty easy for me to play to the triple with it, but it also likes plays like LOG 13I and GRAMA C2, which are more leave savers. The problem is there isn't a great play for leave which also scores. I think my play of RATO was poor, because it left myself open to bad draws in the future (no vowels), but I wonder if I should have played something like the T off at IT 5I or WONT 3G. I would draw bingos with the E (VORLAGES) and also with the I (GLORIAS or GIRASOL). The odds of the draw are 6/21, though, so it's not really favorable, and if George plays for 30 again I end up at square one.

In retrospect I like GAT J1, because it does set up my S as well for the next turns. It scores 3 less than RATO but doesn't kill my hand as much. LOG has a great leave and I think it also makes more sense than my play.
>George: ACEGNQT C2 AG... +16 343
>James: DFFGLQS 2B D.FF +22 329
#note Exchanges are favored, but I think GAFF of DAFF are better. I'm not going to have a good shot at a bingo, and without that I don't think I am going to win. DAFF sets up QI if I draw an I, which I have a decent shot at drawing - 3 drawn from the bag, 3 in the bag out of 15 possible tiles to draw. Also, AGAMA infers that George probably had at least one (and like both) A left in his hand, meaning the Is are more likely to be in the bag.
>George: CDEEINT 1J .EEARN +21 364
>James: AGLQSTY 13I QAT +29 358
#note Nothing wins here, but George is low on time. I am not sure if there was a way to complicate the endgame enough for him to stress out enough for me to get 10 points more. REEARN was a good play since it simplified his endgame a good deal.
>George: CDEIIIL K4 DICE +18 382
>James: GLSY M1 .GLY +16 374
>George: IIL 1A LI +9 391
>James: S C2 .....S +10 384
#note Mistakes through the middle got me. Funny enough, had I held playing VEX, holding the T and ended up playing BINIT next turn (all things staying equal), I would have ended up winning. Not sure if I could complicate the endgame more with GAFF as well. GAT and LOG, well, those could have changed the complexion of the whole game as well. Well played, George.
>James: (I) +2 386
Player 2
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