Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Thomas_Reinke Thomas Reinke
#player2 Nedd_Kareiva Nedd Kareiva
>Thomas_Reinke: ABGKORZ 8G ZAG +26 26
>Nedd_Kareiva: AHP 9F PAH +26 26
>Thomas_Reinke: BIKLORT E8 BOLT +21 47
#note BORK in the same spot.
>Nedd_Kareiva: ?ADEGRV 7H RAVaGED +73 99
>Thomas_Reinke: CEIIKRT N2 TICKE. +30 77
>Nedd_Kareiva: NSWY 12B WYNS +27 126
>Thomas_Reinke: ?EILORU 11C OU.LInER +64 141
#note OUTLIERS gives back big X plays, and this S hook isn't too bad.
>Nedd_Kareiva: BIT O1 BIT +19 145
>Thomas_Reinke: AEEHNOU 10I HOE +17 158
#note L3 ENOUGH
>Nedd_Kareiva: EFI 4L FI.E +27 172
>Thomas_Reinke: AEENTUU 12H UNAU +16 174
>Nedd_Kareiva: ALN 5K LAN. +23 195
>Thomas_Reinke: EEEQRST L10 REST +25 199
#note Qualeck wants me to exchange keeping basically any of the good leaves over this. But where am I gonna bingo? I preferred to keep the score close rather than rely on a bingo to get back in it.
>Nedd_Kareiva: T 3M T.. +12 207
>Thomas_Reinke: CDEELQR C9 CL..ED +30 229
>Nedd_Kareiva: IRT B12 .RIT +22 229
>Thomas_Reinke: EGNQRSY A14 YE +28 257
>Nedd_Kareiva: AJ 13L .AJ +20 249
>Thomas_Reinke: AGNOQRS 14M NOG +28 285
#note 14L SNOG. No reason to hold the S on this board.
>Nedd_Kareiva: O F9 .O. +11 260
>Thomas_Reinke: AEFQRSX 15K FRAE +21 306
>Nedd_Kareiva: EW 14J WE +18 278
>Thomas_Reinke: AEOPQSX -Q +0 306
#note Qualeck likes 8L OX. There are a lot of I's out and if I draw one I can play QIS in two spots to dump the Q.
>Nedd_Kareiva: DR M3 ...D.R +10 288
>Thomas_Reinke: AEMOPSX J3 MOP +18 324
#note Same word plays at 9J for 4 more points, or 15 more points with the S attached. I thought about the P hook for REST earlier but forgot about it, I guess.
>Nedd_Kareiva: M 3I M. +9 297
>Thomas_Reinke: AEIQSVX 13F QIS +15 339
#note 2G VIE sets up an unblockable QI. That kind of play is totally beyond me at this point.
>Nedd_Kareiva: IO 14E OI +17 314
>Thomas_Reinke: AEINOVX 2E NAIVE +14 353
#note Lots of plays win, the best ones block 15D UNSAID.
>Nedd_Kareiva: ADEINSU 15F SAID +27 341
>Thomas_Reinke: OX 3E OX +20 373
>Thomas_Reinke: (ENU) +6 379
Player 2
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