Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Jesse_Matthews Jesse Matthews
#player2 Jesse_Day Jesse Day
>Jesse_Matthews: EEEFGOR 8D FORGE +26 26
>Jesse_Day: EELNTUV D3 EVENT.UL +78 78
#note saw VELOUTE, then this.
>Jesse_Matthews: EEEENOU -?BDEJ +0 26
>Jesse_Day: EIINPSW 3A WIP. +18 96
#note took me a while to make sure, but nothing there. I thought about WIN, quackle's favorite, but it just seems silly - even if it wins a 2-ply sim, that hook is going to keep hurting for turns after that unless I get lucky and draw a T. But actually, quackle's problem with WIPE is just that the W gives back too many points, which I suppose is fair - offering a guaranteed triple versus a potential T hook. This is a mistake that I make fairly often.
>Jesse_Matthews: AAEINRX C9 XENIA +59 85
>Jesse_Day: EEINNNS A1 NE. +18 114
>Jesse_Matthews: ACDDHRY 5B CH.DDARY +86 171
#note gorgeous play!
>Jesse_Day: EEINNST 12B E.NSTEIN +68 182
#note wow, I missed a nice, nice play. Can you find it? I usually try to look for a nicer play, but I think I was under some time pressure alraedy.
>Jesse_Matthews: AAACIPS H1 PICA.A +33 204
>Jesse_Day: DEHJLRU 10B J..L +27 209
#note this is a tricky move. The best plays all get rid of the J. However, the overwhelming favorite in quackle's eyes is JUT at F10, which I'm sure I must have looked at, but probably discarded because it didn't offer enough points. The other plays worth considering are my own, JELLED and JEHU. JUT seems to win beecause it averages about five points more on average next turn - I was afraid of leaving too heavy of a leave, but the L is more useful for really big plays at the top left (FILCH, MILCH, LINCH) AND the rack tends to bingo more anyway. I thought about the plays at the top left but didn't really consider how useful the L would be, leading to a fairly big mistake. Setting up the Y hook for JELL looks bad, but the sim seems to say that there are other reasons why JUT is better.
>Jesse_Matthews: ADOORSV F7 A.VO +23 227
>Jesse_Day: DEHMORU 11H HUMORED +83 292
#note of course, I draw a rack that happens to reward my last play instead of JUT. This was a pretty lucky game throughout. also, why did I think MIRCH was good? Just MILCH!
>Jesse_Matthews: DIORRSU I5 .IRD +22 249
#note JM continues to use the board nicely for little plays.
>Jesse_Day: AOOOSTU 4C A.O +17 309
#note I wasn't especially happy about making this play over the board, but to my suprise quackle actually seems to like it. I like playing up there because it takes away big plays through the I and the C and simply because I don't gain enough through exchanging - I'm almost waiting to see his next move. However, quackle would much rather I played ONO at 6C - well, not that much, about 3 points. The reason is very simple - ONO scores me about 9 more points next turn on average because AOSTU bingos 41% of the time, versus the OOSTU of 27%. The board is pretty open and likely to stay that way, so I should've realized that ONO would pay off. Anyone see any other reasonable moves?
>Jesse_Matthews: BBEORSU 10I BOB +24 273
#note Jesse putting down play: "What do you call a guy with no arms and no legs?" I thought it was pretty good.
>Jesse_Day: AIOOSTU N9 IO.OUS +18 327
#note guess it didn't matter too much whether I kept the A or the O in this case...yet another instance of not being punished for making the wrong play. I was fairly happy with finding this play, which plays through the junk and doesn't give as juicy a comeback as the other plays do.
>Jesse_Matthews: EGNRSSU O7 GUNS +19 292
#note I made the obligatory wisecrack here, at which point jesse matthews pointed to craig rowland.
>Jesse_Day: ??AGKMT 13I KAT +27 354
#note get ready for this - there are NO bingos in that rack whatsoever. on any board. Next question is - what do I do with this newfound embarassment of riches? I thought KAT at 13J was the no problem favorite, but GAMUT through the U and KEG at M10 are in a dead heat. I don't like GAMUT much at all, even though it apparently scores an average of 9 more points next turn (through high scoring plays keeping one blank, perhaps?), but KEG hoists my bingo chances from 61 to 82% (64% for GAMUT) and makes a fair amount of sense. I like that KAT blocks the S, though, hopefully making it harder for jm to bingo, and there's only one O left for BUNKO. I should get one down no matter what, so I'm hardly worried about blocking a lane. Perhaps if I had realized that GM?? was so unlikely to bingo I would've looked for something like KEG. my instinct with two blanks is to say that I'll bingo no matter what. I guess I'm learning a lot by taking a closer look than usual at these games.
>Jesse_Matthews: EFLOQRS -EE +0 292
>Jesse_Day: ??EGMRT M3 TERMinG +76 430
#note nothing like drawing ERT to two blanks. I didn't look for the best scoring play, which is something that leaves the M on that double letter (three of them) but it really doesn't matter too much, because this forces him to play from the P or be pretty much done.
>Jesse_Matthews: EELORSZ 14F ZERO +44 336
#note Jesse keeps himself sort of in the game with this play. The bingos were GOURMET, GROMMET and GRUMMET.
>Jesse_Day: AFIIIQW N2 QI +24 454
#note Pretty interesting situation...I saw WAIF, sure, but I chose my play because it gets rid of the Q now instead of allowing him to pick up points from my rack with an outbingo, it still blocks P bingos (the only one I could see was PALETTES, and maybe PLAYTEST* which was scaring me a little bit), and it sets up a big play for next turn. However, this turns out not to be the right play at all. Quackle's championship player is perfect for 2 in the bag situations that don't involve wacky stuff, and it says that playing QI at 2G is the play, which makes perfect sense - it allows WAIF next turn and means that he doesn't get to pick up a ton of points from my rack. WAIF is only blocked with PALETTES, which still doesn't score enough for him to catch up, hence why QI is the only 100% win play. WAIF is the best spread play, however, by a mile and a half. So the conclusion is that I don't really know what I was doing and I got lucky despite not thinking it all through. For the record, the only thing that fits below is STYLATE, which I didn't see, whereas PALLETTE/PLATELET and PLAYLETS also fit up top.
>Jesse_Matthews: EELLSTT 15G LEST +32 368
#note I luck out and he has no bingo, but still makes his best play. it looked like he was playing real well from my perspective.
>Jesse_Day: AAFIIWY 5K WA.Y +20 474
#note one point off due to missing WAIF at 6G.
>Jesse_Matthews: ELT 14A TEL +19 387
>Jesse_Matthews: (AFII) +14 401
#note Yay, I won a game! I feel bad for beating Jesse because us Jesses have to stick together, and because to date he's always played very well against me but not been rewarded for it. He'll get me eventually. The last time we played, in Albany I think, I was much more on top of my game than this time - that one was in the middle of one of my best days of scrabble ever, whereas here I wasn't doing anything particularly remarkable except drawing conveniently.
Player 2
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