Player 1 |
#player1 Kristiina_Overton Kristiina Overton
#player2 Morris_Greenberg Morris Greenberg
>Kristiina_Overton: ?ADNRUY 8F lAUNDRY +78 78
>Morris_Greenberg: ADEGNTU K5 UNG.ATED +90 90
#note What was I confusing this with? UNGRADED? UNGATED? UNCRATED?
>Kristiina_Overton: CJOU 9C JUCO +22 100
>Morris_Greenberg: EHLLLSW 10F WELL +28 118
>Kristiina_Overton: CEILM L2 CLIME +24 124
#note I am lucky she missed MELIC L11.
>Morris_Greenberg: AHLOSUV 2J VO.AL +36 154
>Kristiina_Overton: FINO 11C FOIN +20 144
#note INFO 11E would've really shut down the board.
>Morris_Greenberg: AHIOSTU 1M HAO +25 179
#note The duck likes OHIA L12 a bit more. Ballsy.
>Kristiina_Overton: BDIY 12H BID.Y +30 174
>Morris_Greenberg: EIPRSTU H12 .URP +24 203
>Kristiina_Overton: III -III +0 174
>Morris_Greenberg: AEGIOST J5 GOA. +22 225
>Kristiina_Overton: EOZ 14F ZE.O +33 207
>Morris_Greenberg: EEIISTT 3L .ET +21 246
>Kristiina_Overton: DEX 12B DEX +45 252
>Morris_Greenberg: EFIIMST 13A FEM +35 281
#note SEMIFIT is an awesome word I didn't know. Missing that is huge here.
>Kristiina_Overton: ER A13 .ER +18 270
>Morris_Greenberg: EEIIIST 15H .IE +7 288
#note In hindsight, I have no idea why I didn't exchange here. 7 points is really not worth it, even on such a closed board...
>Kristiina_Overton: BR H7 B.R. +6 276
>Morris_Greenberg: EEHIIST 10K .IE +3 291
#note (Y)ETI L12 is better.
>Kristiina_Overton: IIII -IIII +0 276
>Morris_Greenberg: AEGHIST C7 HA. +17 308
#note Forgot SAITHE was a word.
>Kristiina_Overton: APRSS N10 SPARS +24 300
>Morris_Greenberg: EGIIRST 7B G.I +7 315
#note I completely msised the SPARSE hook for the rest of this game, but GHI is better regardless.
>Kristiina_Overton: AQST E4 QATS +34 334
>Morris_Greenberg: EIKORST F2 KOI +28 343
#note This seems best, even better than 15L KIER which I missed. I either need to bingo or draw the W to win this.
>Kristiina_Overton: ?AINTTV B1 VATTIN. +26 360
#note This is the correct play by Kristiina, it wins roughly 3/4 of the time.
>Morris_Greenberg: EINRSTW O12 WEIR +46 389
#note Drew the W, but no win.
>Kristiina_Overton: ?ENO 1A O.iNE +24 384
>Kristiina_Overton: (NST) +6 390