Player 1 |
#player1 Morris_Greenberg Morris Greenberg
#player2 Bernard_Gotlieb Bernard Gotlieb
>Morris_Greenberg: DEEHOQS -EQ +0 0
#note A bunch of exchanges are close. But, the best is exchanging EOQ, then HOQ, then this. Exchanging EHOQ and OQ are also really close. These are all between 51%-51.5% to win.
>Bernard_Gotlieb: JLOW H7 JOWL +28 28
>Morris_Greenberg: DEEHOSU 11E HOUSED +35 35
#note I did not know HOUSE(L)ED. That is pretty huge here.
>Bernard_Gotlieb: ACEGNST 8G C.AGENTS +62 90
>Morris_Greenberg: CEEEIOV 12A VOICE +33 68
#note Oh geez, I completely whiffed on the D8 VOICE here for 8 more, that's a nice play.
>Bernard_Gotlieb: UV J6 VU. +15 105
>Morris_Greenberg: AAEEFRR C9 FER.A +24 92
#note I did not know (S)EAFARER either, I need to learn my 8s. AF(O)RE F9 is also better than this.
>Bernard_Gotlieb: DGILNOR 12I LORDING +77 182
>Morris_Greenberg: AEEERTW A7 REWEA.E +39 131
>Bernard_Gotlieb: ENPY N10 PE.NY +32 214
>Morris_Greenberg: AIINNOT L4 ANIO. +10 141
#note Maybe (C)ION D12 instead?
>Bernard_Gotlieb: BLRU 14B BLUR +21 235
>Morris_Greenberg: AEINNPT D3 PINNATE +75 216
>Bernard_Gotlieb: ADD 13G DAD +15 250
>Morris_Greenberg: EEHIIOT 15A OI +10 226
#note 3C O(P)HITE is nice.
>Bernard_Gotlieb: AELRRST 4A TRA.LERS +60 310
#note What I get for not playing OPHITE.
>Morris_Greenberg: AEEHIMT B2 EA.TH +32 258
#note Holy jeezus HEMATI(T)E M2 for 90!!!!!!!!!!!?!?!?!?!??
Also, there was a best word this tournament with the letters of HEART, and since HEART, HEARTEN, and YAHRZEIT were already submitted as entries, that has zero relevance in discussing the merit of this play.
>Bernard_Gotlieb: IQ N6 QI. +32 342
>Morris_Greenberg: AEFIMTZ C6 IF +24 282
#note I drew the F last, so I saw the possibility of drawing into MESTIZA 15D for 122 this turn.
>Bernard_Gotlieb: BY H13 .BY +24 366
>Morris_Greenberg: ?AEMTTZ K4 ZA +37 319
#note I did not think this turn out as well as the previous turn. I should probably open up some more lanes with something like MAT(S) H1. I can cash teh Z for high points later if the bingo fails, EMTT? is not that strong of a leave given this board and the pool.
>Bernard_Gotlieb: I 6N .I +11 377
>Morris_Greenberg: ??EMOTT 14B ....T +9 328
#note Champ player gives (HIN)T 37.5% to win, (A)M(P) 25%, and (BLUR)T 12.5%. I don't really see how HINT wins more than BLURT...I was pretty time pressed, I saw the possibility of drawing an I, or S for hOMIEST (with the other blank as an I or S) at 1B, or drawing a U for dEMOUnT, and thought that would be my best chance to win, so just score as much as possible with the T.
>Bernard_Gotlieb: GIKOSUX A1 GO +11 388
#note Bernard rightfully didn't see any bingoes for me, but wanted to play it safe.
>Morris_Greenberg: ??EMMOT H2 Mu. +4 332
#note B8 MiM is better. I was hoping for confusion here.
>Bernard_Gotlieb: IKSUX M2 SIX +39 427
>Morris_Greenberg: ?EMOT 1D MOtTE +42 374
#note This is the sort of game where lower probability word knowledge matters. Missing HOUSELED, SEAFARER, and HEMATITE all contributed to the loss.
>Morris_Greenberg: (KU) +12 386