Player 1 |
#player1 Jason Jason
#player2 Josh Josh
>Jason: DNOUV 8D VODUN +26 26
>Josh: ABFLORW E4 BARL.W +22 22
#note This looks like the right play.
>Jason: AEGU D8 .AGUE +23 49
>Josh: ?EFGOOV 11A VOG.E +18 40
#note I spent a bit too long on this play. I missed F8 (D)EFOG too. At least I'm following suit with VU words.
>Jason: EGIO A11 .OGIE +30 79
#note this was a funny sequence of plays
>Josh: ?FIILOS 5E .IrFOILS +70 110
#note I missed 2 words I didn't know, one of which was the right play. H5 LIO(N)FISh for 60 is a cool new word and 4E (B)IOFILmS for 82 is the correct play. Other than that 6C aI(R)FOILS scores the same as my play but seems like a better play. I missed it, weirdly enough.
>Jason: HNOPST B9 PH.NOS +47 126
#note He was gonna play PHOTON and OT but he realized his mistake but couldn't backtrack from the taste of 47 points. I held this.
>Josh: AEEHNOT 9G HOE +22 132
#note I debated between this and A7 HAO but 4J HAE/HAO are also decent as well as F7 O(D)AH.
>Jason: AYY L2 YAY. +20 146
>Josh: AEILNST J9 SLAINTE +68 200
#note J3 AL(I)ENIST is a bad miss. After this turn I'm down to 12 and a half minutes, which isn't good. Scored as 67.
>Jason: COTT 15G OCT.T +21 167
>Josh: ACEIIMT M1 CAME +34 234
#note Down to 10:30, I shouldn't have done this I think. D1 MICA looks right, but if I don't want to do that 13I A(N)EMIC is good.
>Jason: AFIKRST 13E RATFI.KS +67 234
#note nice
>Josh: DEIIOTT L8 DOTIE.T +20 254
#note Down to 8:33, feeling the pressure
>Jason: DEW 14D DEW +30 264
#note was scared of the x, good thing he didn't have it
>Josh: ?EEINRZ 4A ZINE. +52 306
#note this was a nice draw. 7:37 left
>Jason: AIMR A4 .IRAM +48 312
#note interesting choice between this and MIRZA. Dunno the rest of his rack though.
>Josh: ?ADEJRR J2 JER.D +33 339
#note I didn't think ADJuRER was valid. That's the game-winning play right there as it will likely be challenged. 6:26 :(
FWIW B1 JER(I)D is simming better than this, probably cause of the X and Q threats.
>Jason: EENRUUX 3B XU +31 343
>Josh: ?AABQRU 2C BARQUe +41 380
#note This turn is why I wish I had left myself more time for this part of the game. I first see 11G AQU(A)R(I)A as well as C2 BARQUe. I try to see if Jason has a bingo possible in the pool. I don't see anything. I think of playing AQUARIAl or AQUARIAn but I see that if I draw the P I can't go out so I would lose. I also know that Jason has a ton of points at N2 most of the time, so I would need to compete with that. So I decide with my time running out to play BARQUe, completely forgetting that I have BURQA even though I saw the word when it was Jason's turn. My best play is 1M (C)AB as it leaves me with QUAf(F) for next turn.
>Jason: EILNNPR N2 PINNER +47 390
#note At least my play always wins, but just barely
>Josh: AE 12G AE +11 391
#note Jason probably played better than me. I had both blanks and won by just 3.
>Josh: (L) +2 393
#note After recount I still only win 392-390 :(