Player 1 |
#player1 Cesar_Del_Solar Cesar Del Solar
#player2 Jesse_Day Jesse Day
>Cesar_Del_Solar: BEFINOS 8G FOB +16 16
#note 2014 Bay Area matchplay finals round 4. Jesse leads 3-0.
>Jesse_Day: ACEJNRW 7H JAW +28 28
>Cesar_Del_Solar: AEIKNSY K2 KYANISE +92 108
>Jesse_Day: CEINRUU 2K .URU +16 44
>Cesar_Del_Solar: EEIMNPT 3J T.PE +26 134
>Jesse_Day: ACEILNO M1 A..COLINE +63 107
>Cesar_Del_Solar: EEIMNTT 1L T.ME +31 165
>Jesse_Day: EEFLOQT L9 FLOE +19 126
#note FLEE at 9E sims better - I didn't like giving up the triple and blocking my potential spot to draw QAT, but maybe FLEE will encourage a more open board for me to complete a comeback.
>Cesar_Del_Solar: EINNTUY 9D NINETY +42 207
>Jesse_Day: DEEQRST E8 Q. +11 137
#note wrecks the board, but must be worth the points
>Cesar_Del_Solar: ?AEILPU 10B PIU +13 220
#note quackle really likes PIU
>Jesse_Day: ADEERST 13G DEAREST +80 217
>Cesar_Del_Solar: ?ACELNR 12C LARCENy +75 295
#note LUCARNE for a couple of extra points?
>Jesse_Day: AINORWX 13B WAX +39 256
>Cesar_Del_Solar: ADGIOSV 10F ODAS +38 333
>Jesse_Day: EINOOOR 8M .OO +9 265
#note this was the point where I as going to have to figure out a glorious comeback - I sorely need a lane to threaten, and playing ORE at 14B now seemed far too easy to block.
>Cesar_Del_Solar: DGIIRTV O5 DIV.T +9 342
#note tough decision for cesar - VIGOR to ditch the G must be an improvement at the very least
>Jesse_Day: EEHINOR 14A HEREIN +45 310
#note three Is remaining and the I makes it harder to play at 15E.
>Cesar_Del_Solar: GIIIMRT 15A IT +27 369
#note he's down to 70% to win
>Jesse_Day: ?ABEORZ 15F AZO +38 348
#note I now have a great shot to win. given the vowel shortage it looks smarter to play BOZO and continue to threaten to play at row 15. I'm almost 50% to bingo after BOZO, including shots at the N on row 5. but on the other hand it's very hard for cesar to score once I take row 15
>Cesar_Del_Solar: GGIIMRU 5H GRI.G. +8 377
#note counter-intuitive, but it seems that cesar should play IGG at 14M even thouh I can score a lot in response - he was focused on blocking bingos, but I can now outrun him.
>Jesse_Day: ?BDELRV K11 BR.D +24 372
#note he was in a lot of time trouble, so I made my pre-endgame play as fast as possible once I spotted the threat. Technically I'm only 2.5/8 to win, needing to draw the A or the S for an out (SELVA at the top) but in practice his blocking sequence is extremely difficult.
>Cesar_Del_Solar: AGHIMOU 14M OHM +18 395
#note it looks like the best play would be ROM/RIM/RAM, but then SELVA to go out wins me the game, or AXEL at D12 as well.
>Jesse_Day: ?ELSV O12 Vi.S +36 408
>Cesar_Del_Solar: AGIU 15M GA. +13 408
>Jesse_Day: EL N8 .LE +12 420
#note I should slow-play - after PE at B10 neither the I nor the U fit anywhere on the board, and then I can play AXEL. but the win was secured by this point anyway
>Jesse_Day: (IU) +4 424