Player 1 |
#player1 Noah Noah
#player2 Nigel Nigel
>Noah: BCEINRT -B +0 0
#note Portland Area Matchplay, Winners Bracket Round 4, Nigel Peltier vs. Noah Walton, Game 2. Also considered CRIB, didn't know TERBIC. This sims best by a fair bit, but that doesn't account for Nigel's play, which I have experienced to be pretty defensive following an opening play. Still, this is a fine option, and playing the opening rack tends to be much harder after an exchange one, so I'm fine with this.
>Nigel: DEEFFGP 8F PEG +12 12
#note An interesting rack that we discussed after the game. Conrad, Nigel, and I all liked it.
>Noah: CEEINRT H1 ERECTIN. +92 92
>Nigel: ?DEFFIO 4H .OFFInED +86 98
>Noah: ABDENRS 2B BRANDE.S +80 172
>Nigel: AILMNRU 9A RUMINAL +70 168
#note MANURIAL is available here.
>Noah: EGGIOOX 8A OXO +49 221
#note Looked for some sort of setup or play that kept the X, but none of them score enough to justify forgoing this.
>Nigel: AOOOQTU O1 QUO. +42 210
>Noah: ADEGGHI C7 H..AGED +36 257
>Nigel: AEOOTTV 11C .AVOTTE +22 232
>Noah: AGIRTUZ 1D ZAIR. +52 309
>Nigel: DEKNOVY 12B K.Y +30 262
>Noah: AAGLOTU K4 .UGATO +20 329
>Nigel: DEEJNOV 3A JOE +28 290
>Noah: ?AEILMT L7 LIMbATE +77 406
>Nigel: DEIINVW H11 .WINE +36 326
>Noah: CEILOST 4A OTIC +32 438
>Nigel: BDIRSV 13K V.RB +18 344
#note Not sure of Nigel's last tile here.
>Noah: ELLNPSY O12 ESPY +40 478
#note PANOPLY is pretty sweet. This should win all the time though.
>Nigel: ADEIRSW J9 SAD +24 368
>Noah: AHLLNNS N3 H.LLS +15 493
#note Bad play but doesn't matter. TILLS is best.
>Nigel: EIIRUW B12 .IWI +25 393
>Noah: ANN I13 NAN +11 504
>Noah: (ERU) +6 510