Player 1 |
#player1 Jesse_Day Jesse Day
#player2 Marty_Gabriel Marty Gabriel
>Jesse_Day: FLMSTWZ -FLMW +0 0
#note Quite the opening to the tournament. Should've thought about the S and Z being antisynergetic (SZ is 3 worse than ST) and furthermore that STZ is going nowhere fast. It took me a while to settle down and get used to playing over the board.
>Marty_Gabriel: IQ 8G QI +22 22
>Jesse_Day: EFJLSTZ -FJL +0 0
#note uggh. Exchanges are always one of my weaknesses. Here for some reason I developed a perverse attachment to the Z. The best exchange keeps ELST, but best is either JEST or FIZ, both of which I passed up - JEST seems to blow up a good rack for too little, though it has great defense, whereas FIZ doesn't seem that defensive and keeps the J. But the other plays don't make up the difference. For good measure, I forgot the exchange procedure on this turn. I should play more live games.
>Marty_Gabriel: AIIN 9G INIA +20 42
>Jesse_Day: AEESTWZ 10J WE +26 26
#note TWAE sims a point better by not being quite as psycho. WE simply throws the board wide open to anything at all, which is bad news given that Marty's been grooming his rack for two turns.
>Marty_Gabriel: ?ACEIOR 11E COAlIER +92 134
>Jesse_Day: AEORSTZ F10 Z.O +32 58
#note this is the trouble with keeping the Z - without spots open, a good draw doesn't actually do anything special. I'm even lucky that I have somewhere to play the Z for so much. In effect, harnessing a bingo leave and keeping a leave that supports the Z are often at odds with each other. As far as plays here, I missed ERSATZ, but down so far I don't think that's an option.
>Marty_Gabriel: AINU 13E UNAI +18 152
>Jesse_Day: AEKRSTX 12K RETAX +43 101
>Marty_Gabriel: DEEU O11 E.UDE +39 191
>Jesse_Day: AKMNSUU 7H KUNA +16 117
#note the static equity favors UKE at 11M or AUTUMN at M10, but the sim suggests that my play and those are within a few points. Of the three, I would rather take the board after KUNA.
>Marty_Gabriel: AEHSSTW 6B SWATHES +81 272
>Jesse_Day: IJLMOSU M9 JOL.S +40 157
#note missed MUSJID for a whole bunch, though JOLTS is only 5 points worse, surprisingly. why didn't I see that?
>Marty_Gabriel: AAEINRT C2 ANTI.EAR +76 348
>Jesse_Day: IILMOTU 6J ULTIMO +22 179
#note I was pretty proud of this play, though my winning chances are at a whopping .1%. You could also make the argument that I'm so far down that all I should worry about is spread. But in all realism, I ain't winnin' nationals, and I would rather take whatever chance I can to win the game. The equity play is ILIUM at 5C, which I don't even know if I saw. But ULTIMO ain't too bad anyway.
>Marty_Gabriel: AGLR O5 G.RAL +18 366
>Jesse_Day: ?DDIPTY 2B P.DDY +40 219
#note a blank!
>Marty_Gabriel: FLY 8A FL.Y +42 408
>Jesse_Day: ?BEGITV M5 V.G +9 228
#note this is the point when quackle says that the game is just about unwinnable. To which I say, a shorter tournament I would cut spread. Actually, no logic here at all, the spot up top isn't that likely to stay open anyway. Why not take the points?
>Marty_Gabriel: BDEGHSV N14 EH +21 429
>Jesse_Day: ?BEIOOT 1D EOBIOnT +91 319
#note I get to work on my self-esteem, if not my win-loss record.
>Marty_Gabriel: EIORRST A8 .ROSTIER +86 515
#note It still looked like I had a slimmer of a chance until this one came down.
>Jesse_Day: CDGMNNV K5 C..N +12 331
#note insult to injury! I can't even play off more than two consonants at a time. for purpose of spread minimization my play isn't quite right because the sequence of plays after CLAD or CLAG instead of CLAN is the same except I score 2 less and give up 2 more at the end. Sequence should be CLAG/CLAD, then ENG to block the best spot for his F, and then drop the M.
>Marty_Gabriel: BEEFOP N10 PE. +24 539
>Jesse_Day: DGMNV 14A .NG +8 339
>Marty_Gabriel: BEFO 1A BO +16 555
#note Sofar as I can tell, quackle messes this one up. He should drop the F at 10B and then slowplay his way out, which as far as I can tell does 3 better than his actual play of BO.
>Jesse_Day: DMV 10A .M +10 349
>Marty_Gabriel: EF N4 FE. +15 570
#note 2 points better at 3F
>Marty_Gabriel: (DV) +12 582
#note Surprisingly, I was only second-to-last after round 1. Other quirky sidenote is that this might be the one of the first analyses where I never came across a word I didn't know (well, besides missing MUSJID). But that really means that I just made a lot more strategy errors than usual, half of them with mediocre leave evaluation in the first three moves which really ended up costing me. So far as the rest of the tournament went, I tried to take it in stride - sometimes it happens. I think I was so happy to be there that I didn't get as frustrated as I would start to get later in the tournament.