Player 1 |
#player1 Jeremy Jeremy
#player2 Pakorn_Nemitrmansuk Pakorn Nemitrmansuk
>Jeremy: AADEENS 8H AE +4 4
#note Best, but trading AE has it's merits too.
>Pakorn_Nemitrmansuk: AGLN 7G LANG +12 12
#note Pakorn took over five minutes to put this down.
>Jeremy: ADEGNNS 9I GAN +12 16
#note Quackle likes F6 GAN killing the ALANG hook. I like opening a new GANE lane so I have something to work with next turn, but it's at a cost of 4.9 points.
>Pakorn_Nemitrmansuk: EIPRTV L5 PRIVET +20 32
>Jeremy: ADEEGNS 10J GE. +17 33
#note Best in win % by .04%, but 8K E(V)ADE is 0.1 point better.
>Pakorn_Nemitrmansuk: IMUX 5H MIXU. +32 64
>Jeremy: ADENOSY 4C NOYADES +81 114
#note Best. I was fairly certain NOYADES was a legit Scrabble word, but a little worried it was a French word I picked up from packaging in Canada. In French, I think NOYADE means toxic. The English definition is rather different.
>Pakorn_Nemitrmansuk: BOO E2 BO.O +18 82
>Jeremy: ALORSTZ F6 ZA +37 151
#note Best. Time to exploit that ALANG hook.
>Pakorn_Nemitrmansuk: LNOO 3E .NO +10 92
>Jeremy: ELORRST 8K O.ERT +27 178
#note There are five good plays here. This is one of them. G2 R(OD) is best fishing of the R for just 4 points setting up TROD. 11I ROTS 30, 8L (V)OLT 21, 11I ROT 16, and my play all sim within 2 points.
>Pakorn_Nemitrmansuk: ILNO 2G NOIL +10 102
#note I put this on hold and find all the anagrams of LION on my sheet before I accept.
>Jeremy: AAEILRS 1I AERIALS +78 256
#note Best. Quackle is giving me a 98.56% win here.
>Pakorn_Nemitrmansuk: FFIJS 8B JIFFS +34 136
>Jeremy: DDEERUV N8 .EVUED +18 274
>Jeremy: DDEERUV -- -18 256
#note Best was disconnected 9 C3 U(N)DER(I)VED. N6 and N3 VERDURE and VERDURED are also available. I miss them all and play a phony. PREVUED is good, and it made me think *REVUED was good also. The point of this play as to turn over lots of tiles to get the game over quicker.
>Pakorn_Nemitrmansuk: ??ADLQT C7 L.QuATeD +104 240
#note OMG. Just like that Pakorn is back in the game.
>Jeremy: DDEERUV C2 VE.D +16 272
#note N6 VERDURED and N3 VERDURE are still open. This move is only 52 points worse.
>Pakorn_Nemitrmansuk: EIPTU 12A PU.TIE +22 262
>Jeremy: DEHNRSU O8 .HUNDERS +92 364
#note Thank you Scrabble Jesus -- lucky draw! I still dream about playing THUNDERSTRICKEN one day.
>Pakorn_Nemitrmansuk: AKT 11E KAT +28 290
#note Pakorn is in time trouble with just 6 seconds left now.
>Jeremy: EEORUWY 10F WEE +30 394
#note N13 YOU seemed like the logical choice to gaurd against a bingo. Pakorn has 0:06 on his clock and has three tiles grasped ready to play fast, so I figure he doesn't have a bingo. I play 10F WEE for more points. Best is (L)OWERY at N1 for 40.
>Pakorn_Nemitrmansuk: CEIIMOT 15H COMITIE. +89 379
#note Serves me right. Pakorn burns just 2 seconds. 0:04 on his clock.
>Jeremy: BHIORUY 14J HO +30 424
#note I have just over five minutes, and I decide to check my tracking. When I am sure he has CRW I see I have won the game. Best is HYBRI(D) at 12 J. I try to play out a bit slower to get Pakorn to use up his time.
>Pakorn_Nemitrmansuk: CRW 10B C.R +10 389
#note Pakorn still has one second on his clock.
>Jeremy: BIRUY M1 .BY +16 440
#note Best was BYR(E) at 13 L. We'll see if Pakorn can make a play quick enough to avoid overtime penalties.
>Pakorn_Nemitrmansuk: W 14I W.. +14 403
#note Amazing. Pakorn is down to 0:00 on the nose. Just as he plays out the lights go out. The hotel staff want everyone out of the banquet room for lunch. That could have affected the game had it happened just a few seconds earlier. What a fun game this was.
>Pakorn_Nemitrmansuk: (IRU) +6 409